HubSite 365 - Become a HubSite 365 Publisher

Become a HubSite 365 Publisher

We at Hubsite 365 are striving to build the biggest Microsoft 365 and Azure community with recent news, high-quality knowledge articles, upcoming events and so much more. But we do not differ strictly between audience and publishers. Rather, we also want to offer news, events and knowledge articles from the community for the community. 

That's why anyone interested in publishing high-quality information about Microsoft 365, Azure or other relevant IT topics can become a publisher at Hubsite 365.

Increase your audience

If you already have a blog where you publish your articles, we can offer you a simple solution. Instead of stopping your blog or posting your articles twice, we can import them automatically. Your well-known publishing process stays exactly the same. After you published your article on your blog, we automatically import it to Hubsite 365. Also, we can link back to your original post on your blog and therefore increase the visibility of your blog.

Contact us

If you are interested in publishing your articles on Hubsite 365, or have any questions regarding the process, do not hesitate to contact us at

Publisher Integration

You are a HubSite 365 publisher? Congratulations, you earned it! Show it off on your blog or website with our brand new "HubSite 365 Intergration Builder"! Just search and select "yourself", copy the code and paste everywhere!