In this tech talk series, you will learn how Azure Application Insights integrates with the Power Platform and its various offerings. Azure Application Insights, a feature of Azure Monitor, is widely used for monitoring and diagnostics in the enterprise landscape. The data collected from a specific tenant or environment is pushed to your Application Insights environment, where it is stored in Azure Monitor logs and visualized in Performance and Failures panels.
This data can be used by support, developer, and admin personas to triage and resolve issues. Telemetry and table populate in Application Insights include Unified Interface page loads, outbound network requests, Dataverse API incoming calls, plug-in executions and more.
Integration of Power Platform and Azure Application Insights allows for efficient monitoring and diagnostics within the enterprise landscape. Application Insights provides systematically organized data that help in identifying potential problems, diagnosing them, and eventually resolving them. Its different insights panels not only offer a pictorial representation of the key metrics of your app, but can also be used to troubleshoot performance errors, setup alerts based on your organization's needs, track all activities in a single user session, and monitor all operations in a single interaction. Therefore, its integration with Power Platform enhances its efficiency by providing a platform for performing tasks and streamlining analytics.
In this series of tech talks, you will learn how Azure Application Insights integrates with the Power Platform and its various offerings. You will explore how this integration can be effectively utilized, along with a focus on different real-life scenarios. Application Insights, a feature of Azure Monitor, is widely used within the enterprise landscape for monitoring and diagnostics. Data that has already been collected from a specific tenant or environment is pushed to your own Application Insights environment. With Application Insights, you can create a dashboard for an overview of the health of your org, perform proactive monitoring by using Smart Detection, set up alerts for important scenarios based on your org, visualize and track common navigation patterns from a usage perspective, and create custom queries to troubleshoot performance and errors. The Overview panel in Application Insights provides a summary of the key diagnostic metrics of your app and is a gateway to the other features of the portal. You can drill into metrics for more details, and see the top 100 records for form loads in the pageViews table. With the Power Platform and Azure Application Insights integration, you can effectively monitor and diagnose your applications, identify areas of improvement, and troubleshoot any issues.
Power Platform, Azure Application Insights, Azure Monitor, Logs, Telemetry, Dataverse API