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SharePoint Information: Guide to Validating PowerShell Parameters
SharePoint Online
Jun 26, 2023 12:00 PM

SharePoint Information: Guide to Validating PowerShell Parameters

by HubSite 365 about Microsoft

Software Development Redmond, Washington

Pro UserSharePoint OnlineLearning Selection

Learn to enhance PowerShell with SharePoint Validation Tools and create cmdlets for better user experience, presented by Microsoft expert Todd Klindt.

In this 13-minute developer-focused demo, Todd Klindt shows you how to create your own PowerShell cmdlet that allows you to pull and tab through information from a site, list, text file, Azure, Graph, etc. within PowerShell environment. This PnP Community demo is taken from the Microsoft 365 & Power Platform Development Community call recorded on May 11, 2023.

Learn by working through a scenario how ValidateSet and ValidateScript attributes and [ArgumentCompleter] help you deliver a better user experience, reduce bad data and make you a better coder!

Bonus insight on working with chatGPT to deliver concise code.

  • Demo Presenter: Todd Klindt (Sympraxis Consulting) | @ToddKlindt
  • Community Call Conversation:
  • Supporting materials:
  • Learn more: Microsoft 365 Unified Sample gallery

Enhancing PowerShell with SharePoint Validation Tools

PowerShell is a powerful scripting tool for managing and automating tasks. When integrated with SharePoint, developers can leverage the ValidateSet and ValidateScript attributes, along with the [ArgumentCompleter] function, to improve the user experience and minimize the risk of inputting erroneous data. This not only streamlines the development process but also fosters best coding practices, ultimately enabling developers to create more efficient and error-free scripts.

Learn about Validating PowerShell parameters with SharePoint Information

In this demo, you will learn how to create your own PowerShell cmdlet that allows you to pull and tab through information from a site, list, text file, Azure, Graph, etc. within the PowerShell environment. You will also learn how to use ValidateSet and ValidateScript attributes and ArgumentCompleter to reduce bad data and create a better user experience. Additionally, you will gain insight into working with chatGPT to deliver concise code. This demo is taken from the Microsoft 365 & Power Platform Development Community call recorded on May 11, 2023.

To learn more, you can refer to the Validation Repo – PoshPnP on GitHub ( and the Project Repo – PnP PowerShell on Additionally, you can explore the Microsoft 365 Unified Sample Gallery for more information.

More links on about Validating PowerShell parameters with SharePoint Information

Validating Parameter Input - PowerShell
Sep 16, 2021 — To validate a parameter argument, the PowerShell runtime uses the information provided by the validation attributes to confirm the value of ...
May 11 | Demo: Validating PowerShell parameters wi...
May 11, 2022 — May 11 | Demo: Validating PowerShell parameters with SharePoint Information · Helpful resources.
How to Validate Parameter Input - PowerShell
Sep 16, 2021 — In this article​​ This section contains examples that show how to validate parameter input by using various attributes to implement validation ...
about Functions Advanced Parameters - PowerShell
May 15, 2023 — Validation attributes direct PowerShell to test the parameter values that users submit when they call the advanced function. If the parameter ...
How to Validate an Argument Range - PowerShell
Sep 16, 2021 — This example shows how to specify a validation rule that the Windows PowerShell runtime can use to check the minimum and maximum values of ...
How to Validate an Argument Pattern - PowerShell
Sep 16, 2021 — This example shows how to specify a validation rule that the Windows PowerShell runtime can use to check the character pattern of the parameter ...
How to Validate an Argument Set - PowerShell
Sep 16, 2021 — Add the ValidateSet attribute as shown in the following code. This example specifies a set of three possible values for the UserName parameter.
How to validate an argument using a script - PowerShell
Sep 16, 2021 — This example shows how to specify a validation rule that uses a script to check the parameter argument before the cmdlet is run.
Get-SPOCrossGeoUsers (Microsoft.Online.SharePoint. ...
The ValidDataLocation parameter is a switch used to validate the location of the data. This cmdlet requires a connection to a multi-geo tenant to run correctly.


PowerShell parameters, ValidateSet, ValidateScript, ArgumentCompleter, chatGPT, PoshPnP, PnP PowerShell