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How to use the  Travel requests with approvals
Apr 14, 2023 12:00 AM

How to use the Travel requests with approvals

by HubSite 365 about Ami Diamond [MVP]

SharePoint Online / Microsoft Teams /Microsoft 365/ Expert at P.Z Projects

Pro UserListsM365 Release

Template in Microsoft List

The Travel Requests with Approvals template in Microsoft List is a simple, yet powerful tool for managing travel requests and approvals within your organization. The template allows you to create a list of travel requests, assign approvers, track progress, and view approvals all in one place. You can also receive notifications when a request is approved or rejected.

To get started, you can access the Travel Requests with Approvals template in the Microsoft List app. Once you’ve opened the template, you’ll be prompted to enter the name of the list, the type of request, and the approver. You can assign multiple approvers if needed.

Once you’ve created the list and added the necessary details, you can begin entering new travel requests. Each request will have its own form where you can enter the employee’s name, the location, the dates of travel, and any additional notes.

Once you’ve added all of the necessary information, you can submit the request for approval. Each approver will receive a notification and be able to review the details of the request and approve or reject it. You can also track the progress of the request and view any comments from the approvers.

The Travel Requests with Approvals template in Microsoft List is a great tool for streamlining the travel request process within your organization and ensuring that all requests are approved or rejected quickly and accurately.

Request an approval from anyone in the organization for a travel request. An approver may view their approval requests in the Approvals Center and by email.

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