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Microsoft Teams Rooms Android Update 2023
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Sep 28, 2023 7:34 AM

Microsoft Teams Rooms Android Update 2023

by HubSite 365 about Randy Chapman [MVP]

Consultant, blogger & podcaster | Microsoft MVP for Teams

Pro UserTeamsM365 Release

Experience an enhanced and streamlined user experience with Microsoft Teams Rooms on Android 2023 Update 1, offering new features to improve meeting join and co

Microsoft is aiming to bring Teams Rooms on Android (MToA) on par with Microsoft Teams Rooms on Windows (MToW). Android lagged behind Windows a year back, but has made progress and is closing the gap. These enhancements, due in March, are largely centered around multi-camera and content camera features.

Update 1 of MToA 2023 adds several functionalities designed to refine the meeting join, content share, and hybrid collaboration experiences. With this release, Teams Rooms on Android are accommodating their platforms to users' specific requirements while offering a highly efficient and practical meeting platform.

The roll out is slated to begin in March 2023 and should be completed by April. There might be some delays between the time when features are released by Microsoft and when they become available depending on the device model and make. You may need to verify with your device manufacturer for details on when these updates become available.

Some key additions in this update include:

  • Ability to join Teams meetings with ID,
  • Single tap ad-hoc meetings,
  • HDMI connect auto share controls,
  • HDMI audio share,
  • Front row layout,
  • Meeting chat in Gallery, Large gallery, and Together mode,
  • Collaborative annotations,
  • Premium watermark-enabled meetings support, and
  • Room reservation extension-beneficial for Pro license holders.

With these enhancements, you could join a meeting using a meeting ID and password, similar to what MToW offers. For more information, You can visit Android could soon acquire the capability to facilitate ad-hoc direct guest join, currently offered by Windows.

MToA has also introduced Single Tap Ad-hoc meetings. Pre-update, tapping 'Meet' on an Android MToA would open the search box. But now, the 'Meet' button starts an ad-hoc meeting. Once the meeting begins, you could add participants or share content as required.

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With HDMI Connect Auto Share Controls, users can now choose whether or not their device starts sharing as soon as they plug in their laptop. The choice of disabling HDMI content sharing completely is also available for users who only use the system for collaboration or whiteboarding.

Moreover, if audio sharing was a concern, the latest update brings HDMI Audio Share features for users needing to share media with sound. Watermark-enabled meetings are another pleasing addition that aims to discourage screen capture and aids in identifying who shared the meeting in case of any improper sharing.

Finally, those with a Microsoft Teams Room Pro license will now be able to extend the reservation from the three dots pop-up menu. The extension ranges from 15 minutes to 1 hour increments, subject to room availability.

This update aims to bring the Android platform to parity with Windows for now, with just Content Camera and multi-camera support left to be offered.

Read the full article Microsoft Teams Rooms on Android Update 1 2023

Teams - Microsoft Teams Rooms Android Update 1 for 2023

Learn about Microsoft Teams Rooms on Android Update 1 2023

Dear Readers,

In our quest of continuous learning, today we’re shedding light on an important domain that's been buzzing around - the functionalities and development arc of the Microsoft Rooms on Android. So let's dive in deeper and expand our understanding of this riveting technology.

Rewinding to a year ago, Microsoft Rooms on Android (alternatively named as "MTRoA") lagged way behind its Windows counterpart. Nonetheless, aided by consistent innovation and relentless tech evolution, we're now seeing the two versions getting surprisingly close to feature alignment. Talking about updates, the coming phase would introduce multi-camera and content camera capabilities, possibly tipping the scale toward alignment.

MTRoA introduces innovative features, centered around improving the experience of joining a meeting, content sharing, and hybrid collaborations. But, what exactly are these advancements?

To highlight some:

  • Join Meeting with ID
  • Single Tap ad-hoc Meetings
  • HDMI Connect Auto Share Controls
  • HDMI Audio Share
  • Front Row Layout
  • Meeting Chat in Different Modes
  • Collaborative Annotations
  • Premium Watermark-Enabled Meetings Support
  • Room Reservation Extension

Let's have an overview of these game-changing features starting with 'Join Meeting with ID'. Quite similar to its Windows version, this feature allows users to join a gathering using a meeting ID and passcode. The next feature, 'Single Tap ad-hoc Meetings', takes the user experience notch-up by initiating an immediate meeting at just a single touch.

Another notable feature is HDMI Auto share controls. Before this, as soon as you connected your laptop to HDMI, it would start presenting, causing inconvenience to some. With this innovative feature, users now have an admin setting that prevents automatic sharing whether in or outside a meeting. It's indeed a smart move towards facilitating seamless meetings and collaborations.

The 'Front Row Layout' is another significant development in MTRoA. This feature enables users to choose 'Front Row' as a layout, letting them see the chat on the right side of the content stage. Additionally, 'Meeting Chat' has been now added to all layout modes providing users more liberty to manage their collaborations and interactions.

‘Collaborative Annotations', although not talked about often, is an interesting feature. It turns your shared screen into a whiteboard canvas, giving users the liberty to draw their ideas straight away! Then there's another top-tier feature, 'Premium Watermark-Enabled Meetings Support'. The catch? The meeting organizer should have a Teams Premium license to access this. It discourages screen capture and tracing. Lastly, the 'Room Reservation Extension' helps in extending the reservation in 15-mins to 1-hour increments, subject to availability.

All in all, Microsoft Rooms on Android, with these updates, is making significant strides towards feature alignment with its Windows counterpart. There's just a bit more to conquer: the introduction of the Content Camera and multi-camera support.

Stay tuned with us to stay ahead of every tech occurrence and happy reading to you!

More links on about Microsoft Teams Rooms on Android Update 1 2023

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Microsoft Teams Rooms Android update, 2023 Microsoft update, MS Teams 2023 update, Android Microsoft Teams Rooms Update, Microsoft Teams Android new features, Microsoft Teams Android version 2023, Latest MS Teams Android Update, Microsoft Rooms update 2023, Teams Rooms on Android, Update for Microsoft Teams Rooms.