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What are Enterprise Keywords
SharePoint Online
Nov 6, 2022 7:00 AM

What are Enterprise Keywords

by HubSite 365 about SharePoint Maven Inc

I help organizations to unlock the power of SharePoint

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If you are into metadata - you will love the Enterprise keywords feature

What is “Enterprise Keywords” in SharePoint Online?

Enterprise keyword columns aid in categorizing items in lists and libraries, making it simpler to search for and locate them. The term store automatically syncs and centrally stores all keywords typed in lists and libraries. Therefore, a keyword added to any Enterprise Keywords column may be utilized in any other tenant lists and libraries. It will automatically propose a comparable word when a user begins entering it in a list or library.

Struggling with Metadata? Use SharePoint Enterprise Keywords!

Those who follow my posts, training, and webinars know that I am a big advocate of file organization via metadata. Metadata is great once it has been pre-defined for your users.

More about Enterprise Keywords:

Add an enterprise keywords column to a list or library

You can add Enterprise Keywords to items on a SharePoint Server or SharePoint in Microsoft 365 site for metadata tagging and to develop a system of classifying and organizing online content into different categories.

Use Managed Metadata Keywords to Improve Tagging of SharePoint Content

Setting up your users to have a great SharePoint experience can be a rewarding endeavor, especially when you’re applying technology to help users find information quickly and efficiently.