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Optimized Cross-Tenant Access Setup Guide 2024
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Microsoft Entra
Mar 19, 2024 1:20 AM

Optimized Cross-Tenant Access Setup Guide 2024

by HubSite 365 about Microsoft

Software Development Redmond, Washington

AdministratorMicrosoft EntraM365 ReleaseM365 Admin

Unlock Secure B2B Collaboration with Cross-Tenant Access in Microsoft Entra

Key insights



  • Trust multifactor authentication (MFA) from business collaborators by default to enhance security while aiming for a seamless user experience in B2B collaboration.
  • Cross-tenant access settings provide granular controls, enabling organizations to manage and restrict access to ensure security without affecting productivity and cooperation.
  • Leveraging Microsoft Entra cross-tenant access policies can improve security and collaboration, ensuring a smooth user experience through existing MFA methods from a user's home tenant.
  • Configuring outbound access settings in Microsoft Entra allows organizations to granularly manage collaboration, controlling what their internal accounts can access externally.
  • Using Default MFA Trust to utilize existing, strong authentication methods from other tenants in cross-tenant scenarios enhances security posture.

Exploring Cross-Tenant Access in Microsoft Entra

The introduction of cross-tenant access settings within Microsoft Entra External ID is a significant advancement for secure business-to-business (B2B) collaboration. These settings address critical issues surrounding security and usability in today's interconnected digital ecosystems. By trusting multifactor authentication (MFA) from business collaborators' home tenants, organizations can now reduce the administrative burden and complexity associated with additional MFA registrations for B2B guest users. This approach not only simplifies the authentication process but also enhances security by enabling the use of phishing-resistant authentication methods.

Cross-tenant access settings in Microsoft Entra External ID represent a major leap in managing Security and collaboration across different organizations. These settings are crucial for secure B2B collaboration, focusing on trust, control, and user experience.

  • Trusting multifactor authentication (MFA) from partners balances high Security standards with seamless user experience for B2B guests, aiming to simplify authentication and reduce administrative tasks.

  • Granular control over cross-tenant collaborations, through real-world use cases, shows how these settings can ensure Security while boosting productivity and cooperation.

  • Leveraging cross-tenant access policies for improved Security and collaboration, ensuring a smooth experience for users.

Moreover, cross-tenant access settings offer granular control over collaborations, allowing organizations to specify allowed or blocked external tenants according to their business needs. This capability is particularly useful for managing outbound access, where organizations can restrict what their internal accounts can access externally, ensuring that collaborations are secure and compliant with company policies.

The ability to use existing, strong authentication methods from a guest's home tenant in cross-tenant scenarios significantly improves the security posture. Microsoft Entra provides the tools needed to manage these settings efficiently, thereby fostering safer and more efficient external collaborations. As organizations navigate the complexities of external collaborations, understanding and implementing these settings will be crucial for maintaining robust security measures while facilitating productive partnerships.

Read the full article Cross-tenant access settings - Notes from the field



What is cross-tenant access settings?

Cross-tenant access settings empower organizations with precise management tools to dictate how external Microsoft Entra entities can collaborate with them (in terms of inbound connections) and how their own users can collaborate with external Microsoft Entra entities (outbound connections).

How do I suppress consent prompts for users from the other tenant?

To suppress consent prompts for external users, one should input the tenant ID of the home organization. Then, enable the options for allowing synchronization from other tenants within the multi-tenant configuration and suppress consent prompts for external users when they leverage apps and resources within your tenant. Proceed by clicking Next, and finalize by selecting Done.

What is the difference between tenant restrictions v1 and v2?

Tenant restrictions v1 focuses on safeguarding the authentication plane through an allowlist of tenants configured on the corporate proxy. Conversely, tenant restrictions v2 broadens protections by offering detailed options for both authentication and data plane security, tailored to work with or without the necessity of a corporate proxy.

What is B2B cross-tenant?

B2B cross-tenant synchronization facilitates the automated process of creating, updating, and removing Microsoft Entra B2B collaboration users among tenants within an organization. This process ensures seamless access and collaboration across tenant boundaries, while maintaining the organization's ability to manage changes efficiently.



Cross-tenant access settings, Azure AD collaboration, external sharing Azure, inter-tenant collaboration, Azure security, Microsoft tenant settings, Azure directory sharing, cross-tenant permissions