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RIP This SharePoint Component
SharePoint Online
Jan 7, 2024 2:00 AM

RIP This SharePoint Component

by HubSite 365 about Steve Corey

Lead Consultant at Quisitive

Pro UserSharePoint OnlineM365 Hot News

Embrace change with RIP This SharePoint Component as we bid farewell to outdated features for a modern SharePoint experience!

Key insights


"RIP This SharePoint Component" is a term used in SharePoint communities to denote the end or retirement of a SharePoint component or feature.

It signifies the discontinuation of outdated components, sometimes with a touch of humor or sarcasm.

This phrase suggests that the SharePoint feature is now obsolete, in a lighthearted acknowledgment of its past issues or limitations. Examples of its use include farewells to InfoPath Forms Services and SharePoint Server 2007, and a welcome departure for the Classic Web Experience.

The term has been circulating for years, reflecting both frustration and the humorous nature of technology evolution.It symbolizes that SharePoint is under continuous development, with older elements being phased out to improve the platform.

SharePoint components are retired for various reasons, including obsolescence, performance issues, and being supplanted by better options. For instance, InfoPath was hard to maintain, Classic Web Experience was slow, and both were replaced with superior solutions.

Retiring such components is part of Microsoft's commitment to ensuring SharePoint's relevance and efficiency.

As SharePoint evolves, users are reminded that retirement of old components paves the way for modern, efficient business solutions.

  • Outdated components failing to meet user needs lead to retirement.
  • Performance or security issues can necessitate the discontinuation of features.
  • New, robust alternatives often replace older, less efficient components.

Understanding the evolution of SharePoint services is key for users embracing the platform's changes.

The playful "RIP" phrase reflects the ongoing transition toward better, more integrated SharePoint experiences.

Understanding SharePoint Evolution

SharePoint is an ever-evolving platform by Microsoft, designed to aid businesses with collaboration, file management, and much more. As part of its natural life cycle, certain components become outdated and are retired to make way for newer, more advanced features. This progression is essential in maintaining SharePoint's effectiveness and relevance in a fast-paced technological world.

With each retirement, admins and developers might face the challenge of adapting to new tools and workflows. Nevertheless, these changes are a testament to Microsoft's dedication to innovation and providing a robust environment for business operations. The "RIP This SharePoint Component" saying, while humorous, is also a nod to the continual improvement of the platform, highlighting Microsoft's push towards a more cohesive and modern user experience.


Continual Evolution of SharePoint Online

SharePoint Online is a dynamic, ever-changing platform developed to cater to the diverse and expanding needs of businesses worldwide. With each update and replacement of a component, SharePoint Online moves toward a more integrated, secure, and user-friendly experience. Active development and consistent improvement underscore Microsoft's commitment to making SharePoint Online a robust and adaptable tool for collaboration and content management. These changes not only enhance productivity and efficiency but also ensure that the system remains at the forefront of enterprise solutions. As SharePoint Online evolves, users can anticipate new possibilities and functionalities that will drive their organizations forward in an increasingly digital landscape.

Examples and Reflections on SharePoint Component Retirements

  • Comments such as "Finally! RIP SharePoint Server 2007. It's been a long time coming," articulate a common sentiment. Users are acknowledging the end of support for older systems that have served their purpose.

  • Similar sentiments are evident in statements like "I'm so happy to see that the Classic Web Experience is finally being retired. RIP, old friend." These reflect the users' readiness for modern advancements within SharePoint.

The catchphrase "RIP This SharePoint Component" underscores the reality that SharePoint is a dynamic, ever-evolving product. The retirement of components is a sign of Microsoft's dedication to innovate and improve its offerings. These changes, while at times challenging for users, are aimed at optimizing the SharePoint experience.

Retirement or replacement of SharePoint components could stem from various reasons:

  • They may be antiquated and not align with current user needs.
  • They might be sources of performance issues or security vulnerabilities.
  • Newer, more advanced options are being developed to supersede them.

One instance involved InfoPath Forms Services, which was robust but presented maintenance challenges and integration difficulties with SharePoint's broader feature set. Similarly, the Classic Web Experience was less efficient when compared to its Modern counterpart.

Much investment has gone towards the SharePoint Framework (SPFx), marking a shift to more contemporary custom solution development methods. These replacements symbolize the platform's ongoing refinement, aiming to satisfy diverse business requirements effectively.

It's essential to recognize that the ongoing transitions within SharePoint, including the elimination of older aspects, are a stride towards maintaining a cutting-edge and significant platform for various business scales. The demise of certain SharePoint components is a testament to innovation and forward movement.

So, whenever you hear "RIP This SharePoint Component," consider it an invitation to embrace and celebrate the proactive changes that ensure SharePoint can cater adeptly to the necessity of modern business environments.


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People also ask

What is SharePoint component?

SharePoint components are fundamental building blocks within the SharePoint platform used to create websites for information sharing, document collaboration, and content management. Some components include sites, lists, libraries, web parts, and workflows, each serving a specific function within the SharePoint infrastructure to enrich user experience and enhance collaboration and productivity within an organization.

Is SharePoint being phased out?

No, SharePoint is not being phased out. While Microsoft continues to evolve its suite of productivity tools, SharePoint remains an integral part of the Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) ecosystem. Microsoft is consistently updating and adding new features to SharePoint Online, the cloud-based version, encouraging users to migrate from on-premises environments to the cloud for improved collaboration and integration with other Microsoft services.

How do I download all content from SharePoint?

To download all content from a SharePoint site, you generally have several options: 1. Use the "Download" option in the SharePoint document library interface to download individual files or folders. 2. Connect to the SharePoint site using the OneDrive sync client, which allows you to sync the content to your local drive and then copy or move it from there. 3. Utilize PowerShell scripts or third-party migration tools designed for bulk downloading or transferring content from SharePoint. Always ensure you have the necessary permissions to download content and consider the impact of downloading large amounts of data.

How do I rip a video from SharePoint?

Ripping a video from SharePoint, or extracting it for use outside of the platform, can violate company policies or copyright laws and is not recommended or endorsed. However, if you have legitimate access rights and need to download a video for approved purposes, you can typically find a download option within the SharePoint video player or under the "..." (more options) menu when you're viewing the video's details. If there’s no direct download option, check with your SharePoint administrator or IT department for the correct and legal procedure to download videos from your SharePoint environment.



SharePoint Component Deprecated, Discontinued SharePoint Features, SharePoint Component Removal, End of Life SharePoint Element, SharePoint Obsolete Component, SharePoint Retirement Announcement, Decommissioning SharePoint Functionality, Phasing Out SharePoint Part, SharePoint Component Sunset, SharePoint Service Discontinuation