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Artsy Timeline Infographic with PowerPoint Animation
Feb 10, 2023 10:30 AM

Artsy Timeline Infographic with PowerPoint Animation

by HubSite 365 about Presentation Process YouTube

Pro UserPowerPointLearning Selection

Discover how to design an artsy Timeline Infographic with PowerPoint Animation.

An Artsy Timeline Infographic with PowerPoint Animation is a creative way to communicate information in a visually appealing format. It combines the use of images, text, and animation to create an engaging timeline that tells a story. This type of infographic can be used for presentations or as part of marketing materials. The animation makes it easy to quickly explain complex concepts and provide visuals that help viewers understand the overall message more easily. Additionally, using this type of infographic allows you to add interactivity and make your presentation more entertaining.

Discover how to design an artsy Timeline Infographic with PowerPoint Animation.


00:00 Preview of Animation

01:15 Create & Animate Flower Graphic

04:25 Draw easy leaves in PPT

05:20 Draw stem

07:10 Add & Animate Labels

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