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Boost Data Security: Integrate RLS in Microsoft Fabric
Microsoft Fabric
May 13, 2024 8:00 AM

Boost Data Security: Integrate RLS in Microsoft Fabric

by HubSite 365 about Guy in a Cube

Data AnalyticsMicrosoft FabricLearning Selection

Unlock Power BI potential: Use Direct Lake in Microsoft Fabric without OneLake access. Patricks guide simplifies RLS integration!

Key insights

  • Leverage Row-Level Security (RLS) with Direct Lake in Microsoft Fabric for analyzing large data volumes in Power BI without direct access to OneLake or Lakehouse/Warehouse.
  • Direct Lake mode eradicates the needs for data import, allowing for real-time data analysis by loading parquet-formatted files directly from a data lake.
  • Supported on Microsoft Premium (P) SKUs and Microsoft Fabric (F) SKUs only, with a push for new customers to adopt Fabric (F) SKUs for enhanced benefits.
  • Before employing Direct Lake, provision a lakehouse or warehouse with Delta tables in a Microsoft Fabric capacity workspace and ensure SQL endpoint and default model setup for seamless integration.
  • XMLA endpoint support for Direct Lake models enhances capabilities for customizing, scripting, and automating model changes, supplemented by CI/CD with Azure DevOps and GitHub.

Exploring Direct Lake in Microsoft Fabric for Power BI

Direct Lake in Microsoft Fabric represents a significant advancement in data analysis capabilities within Power BI, offering businesses a powerful tool for handling large datasets efficiently. By circumventing the traditional data import process, Direct Lake allows for real-time analysis directly from the data lake, leveraging parquet-formatted files. This approach not only enhances performance by reducing the lead time for analysis but also supports real-time decision-making processes.

One of the key advantages of Direct Lake is its support for row-level and object-level security, ensuring that data access is governed by strict security protocols. This feature ensures users can only access the data they are permitted to see, enhancing data security. Furthermore, Direct Lake's scalable architecture, supported on Microsoft's Premium and Fabric SKUs, makes it an ideal choice for enterprises looking for scalable and secure data analysis solutions.

Setting up Direct Lake involves provisioning a lakehouse with one or more Delta tables on a Microsoft Fabric capacity. This initial setup is critical as it lays the groundwork for creating a Direct Lake model that is highly optimized for analysis. The support for XMLA endpoint write operations extends Direct Lake's functionality, allowing for extensive customization and automation of the data model, thereby supporting advanced use cases such as continuous integration and deployment.

In summary, Direct Lake in Microsoft Fabric introduces a paradigm shift in how businesses approach data analysis in Power BI, offering a real-time, secure, and efficient method for analyzing large-scale datasets.

Leveraging Row-Level Security (RLS) with Direct Lake in Microsoft Fabric without giving users access to OneLake or the Lakehouse/Warehouse directly is crucial. Guy in a Cube demonstrates a strategy to utilize Power BI Direct Lake in Microsoft Fabric, ensuring secure data analysis.

Direct Lake Simplified

Direct Lake, a feature within Power BI, allows for analyzing large data volumes by loading parquet-formatted files straight from a data lake. It eliminates the need for querying a lakehouse or warehouse endpoint and avoids data duplication. This method is a faster way to load data into Power BI for analysis, combining the advantages of both DirectQuery and import modes without their disadvantages.

Direct Lake supports both row-level and object-level security, ensuring that users only access data they are permitted to see. It's specifically available for Microsoft Premium (P) SKUs and Microsoft Fabric (F) SKUs, with a recommendation for new customers to use Microsoft Fabric.

Lakehouse and Direct Lake Prerequisites

Before utilizing Direct Lake, setting up a lakehouse on Microsoft Fabric capacity is necessary. This includes provisioning with Delta tables to store parquet-formatted files and creating a Direct Lake model. Although Direct Lake does not query the SQL endpoint for data loading, it's essential for seamless fallback to DirectQuery mode when needed, such as for advanced security features or views.

Furthermore, Direct Lake models support write operations via the XMLA endpoint, facilitating tasks like refreshing, applying changes, and automation through PowerShell and REST APIs. This flexibility enhances Direct Lake's utility in various data analysis scenarios.

Optimizing Data Analysis with Direct Lake

Direct Lake automatic updates ensure that data changes in OneLake are reflected in models in real-time. However, users can opt to manually refresh data based on their specific requirements. It's important to note that Direct Lake enforces a layered security model, utilizing both OneLake security and SQL permissions to grant or deny data access.

Despite its many benefits, Direct Lake does have limitations, including support for single lakehouse or warehouse sources only, no support for composite models, and certain unsupported data types. Nonetheless, starting with Direct Lake involves creating a lakehouse, setting up a Delta table, and establishing a basic model within a Microsoft Fabric workspace.

In summary, "Guy in a Cube" introduces Direct Lake as a robust solution in Microsoft Fabric for securely and efficiently analyzing large data volumes without direct access to OneLake or a lakehouse. This approach not only accelerates data analysis but also upholds stringent security measures, offering both agility and peace of mind in data analysis practices.

Understanding Direct Lake in Microsoft Fabric

Microsoft Fabric introduces an innovative solution with Direct Lake, reshaping how organizations analyze large data sets. By bypassing traditional data querying methods and leveraging Direct Lake, businesses can achieve faster analysis without sacrificing data security. The integration of row-level security ensures that data access is strictly governed, making Direct Lake an appealing option for entities handling sensitive information.

Setting up a lakehouse within Microsoft Fabric is a preliminary step towards leveraging Direct Lake. This process involves establishing a structured environment where data can be stored and easily accessed for analysis. The aspect of seamlessly transitioning between Direct Lake and DirectQuery modes ensures flexibility, where Direct Lake streamlines data loading and analysis, and DirectQuery provides backup for complex queries.

The administrative features of Direct Lake, such as write operations support and the XMLA endpoint, allow for extensive customization and automation, accommodating an array of business needs. These functionalities streamline model management and data refreshes, thereby optimizing the overall data analysis workflow.

Despite some limitations, such as compatibility issues with certain data types and the requirement for data sources to originate from a single lakehouse or warehouse, Direct Lake presents a substantial advancement in data analytics. By simplifying data access and maintaining strict security measures, organizations can utilize Direct Lake to unlock valuable insights from their data repositories efficiently.

As businesses continue to seek efficient and secure data analysis solutions, understanding and implementing Direct Lake within Microsoft Fabric becomes increasingly important. This technology not only accelerates the data analysis process but also ensures that data integrity and security are never compromised.

Microsoft Fabric - Boost Data Security: Integrate RLS in Microsoft Fabric

People also ask

"What are the limitations of Direct Lake?"

Known challenges and constraints of Direct Lake include the limitation that semantic model tables can only originate from either tables or views from a singular Lakehouse or Warehouse. There's an inability to amalgamate Direct Lake tables with other table modalities such as Import, DirectQuery, or Dual within the same model. At present, composite models are not feasible.

"What is the difference between direct lake and direct query?"

Direct Lake offers a superior approach over DirectQuery in scenarios wherein the vastness of data volume precludes its storage in memory but only a subset of the columns are subjected to queries. This results in a substantially diminished chance of having to resort to DirectQuery.

"What is row level security in fabric lakehouse?"

The concept of Row-Level Security (RLS) operative in Fabric Warehouse and SQL analytics endpoint within Lakehouse empowers the administration of access to database table rows contingent on user roles and predicates. This mechanism enables the stipulation that users are restricted to interaction with rows that coincide with their respective sales region assignments.


RLS, Direct Lake, Microsoft Fabric, OneLake, Access, Leverage, Data Management, Security