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Optimize Data Analysis: Using Power BI Copilot Features for Enhancement
Power BI
May 24, 2023 6:30 AM

Optimize Data Analysis: Using Power BI Copilot Features for Enhancement

by HubSite 365 about Microsoft

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Unlock Advanced Data Analysis with Microsoft Experts Power BI Copilot Features

Microsoft has introduced Microsoft Fabric and Copilot in Microsoft Power BI, aimed at harnessing the potential of data and driving innovation in AI experiences.

Fabric, currently in preview, is an end-to-end, human-centered analytics product that integrates all an organization’s data and analytics in one place. It combines Microsoft Power BI, Azure Synapse, and Azure Data Factory into a single unified software as a service (SaaS) platform, enabling data engineers, data warehousing professionals, data scientists, data analysts, and business users to collaborate seamlessly.

✅Create and tailor reports in seconds

✅Generate and edit DAX calculations

✅Create narrative summaries

✅Ask questions about their data

Introducing Microsoft Fabric and Copilot in Microsoft Power BI | Microsoft Power BI Blog | Microsoft Power BI

Fabric offers six experiences, including a Data Factory-powered data integration experience, Synapse-powered data engineering, data warehouse, data science, and real-time analytics experiences and business intelligence (BI) with Power BI—all hosted on a lake-centric SaaS solution.

The Copilot in Power BI, currently in private preview, combines advanced generative AI with data, allowing users to describe the insights needed or ask a question about data. Copilot then analyzes and pulls the relevant data into a comprehensive report, providing actionable insights instantly.

Power BI customers can continue to enjoy all existing functionalities and gain access to the six powerful experiences in Fabric. Also, Microsoft Fabric has introduced several Power BI Premium only features designed to transform data analysis and visualization.

Fabric brings new capabilities like Git integration for seamless collaboration on Power BI content, OneLake and Direct Lake mode for efficient data management, and a unified data foundation. Moreover, it simplifies the purchase and management of analytics projects with universal compute capacities, enabling customers to purchase a single pool of compute that powers all Fabric experiences.

Power BI customers can access Fabric by turning on the Fabric tenant setting in the Power BI admin portal. Further details about enabling and upgrading Fabric and Power BI Premium capacities are provided in the announcement.

To help users get started with Fabric, Microsoft has also provided several learning resources. For more information, Microsoft invites users to join a two-day live event showcasing Fabric in action.