Maybe you’ve heard of the concept of a junk dimension but what exactly is it and when should you use it? Patrick breaks down this dimensional modeling concept.
A Junk Dimension is a dimension table in a data warehouse that is used to store unstructured or low-level data that cannot be easily categorized into the other existing dimensions. It is often used to store data that is not related to the core business of the organization, such as flags, codes, user-defined attributes, and other miscellaneous data. This type of dimension table is useful for reporting and analysis purposes, since it can provide additional context to data that might otherwise be difficult to interpret. It can also help to reduce the number of joins necessary between tables in a data warehouse.
The use of a Junk Dimension is best suited for situations where the data is not related to the core business of the organization, and can be used to improve the usability of the data warehouse and make reporting and analysis easier.
Jan 6, 2022 — The ideal solution is to use a junk dimension, where you have a bunch of low cardinality flags that are related in a general way.
A junk dimension can be used to make data warehouse more manageable while increasing query performance. This page discusses what is a junk dimension, ...
Junk Dimension · It used to reduce the number of dimensions (low-cardinality columns) in the dimensional model and reduce the number of columns in the fact table ...
Feb 27, 2017 — A junk dimension is seen occasionally inside of data warehouses. This type of dimension can be thought of as a flag table, or a collection of ...