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Leveraging OneLake Explorer - The OneDrive of Data! (Microsoft Fabric)
Microsoft Fabric
Jul 12, 2023 10:00 AM

Leveraging OneLake Explorer - The OneDrive of Data! (Microsoft Fabric)

by HubSite 365 about Guy in a Cube

Data AnalyticsMicrosoft FabricOneDriveLearning Selection

It's been said that OneLake is the OneDrive of data in Microsoft Fabric! OneLake Explorer makes that even more so.

Leveraging OneLake Explorer, dubbed as the OneDrive of data within Microsoft Fabric, offers a new way to integrate streaming data with existing applications. OneLake is further enhanced by the OneLake Explorer which is explained in detail by Patrick. The OneLake File Explorer is a tool that integrates OneLake service with Windows File Explorer, broadcasting any changes made locally.


OneLake File Explorer application integrates OneLake with Windows File Explorer, automatically syncing metadata on files and folders, and sending changes made locally to the OneLake service. It creates placeholders for files rather than downloading the data until the user double-clicks to access a file. The application is available for Windows 10 and 11.


  • Seamless integration with Windows File Explorer
  • Automatic syncing of changes to OneLake service when changes are made locally
  • Manual syncing of updates made outside of the File Explorer


  1. Download the OneLake file explorer
  2. Double click the downloaded file to start the installation
  3. The placeholders and any downloaded content are stored in %USERPROFILE%\OneLake - Microsoft\
  4. Once installed and launched, OneLake data can be viewed in Windows File Explorer


  • Workspace names with "/" character, encoded escape characters such as %23, and names that look like GUIDs will fail to sync
  • Files or folders containing Windows reserved characters will fail to sync
  • Updating Office files isn't currently supported
  • OneLake is case-sensitive while Windows File Explorer is not, leading to potential discrepancies


  • Starts automatically on Windows startup, which can be disabled in the Task Manager
  • Files can be created, updated, or deleted via OneLake File Explorer, with changes synced automatically to OneLake service
  • Supports offline syncing, with changes synced once the application is online and running
  • Files and folders can be created, edited, and deleted in OneLake file explorer
  • Files can be copied or moved using standard keyboard shortcuts or drag-and-drop


  • Client-side logs can be found under %temp%\OneLake\Diagnostics\
  • To uninstall the app, search for "OneLake" and select Uninstall

Note: As of the date of this article, Microsoft Fabric is in preview.

A Deeper Dive into OneLake Explorer

The OneLake Explorer application revolutionizes data interactions within Windows by seamlessly integrating OneLake services with Windows File Explorer. The automated syncing and placeholder features make for a user-friendly experience. Furthermore, even if changes are made outside the File Explorer, the application allows for manual syncing, ensuring that no update is missed out on.

Learn about Leveraging OneLake Explorer - The OneDrive of Data! (Microsoft Fabric)

Microsoft OneLake File Explorer is an application that integrates OneLake with Windows File Explorer, allowing users to automatically sync metadata on files and folders, and send any changes made locally to the OneLake service. It also creates placeholders for files instead of downloading the data until the user double-clicks to access the file. The application is available for Windows 10 and 11. Some of the features of Microsoft OneLake File Explorer include seamless integration with Windows File Explorer, automatic syncing of changes to the OneLake service when changes are made locally, and manual syncing of updates made outside of File Explorer. To install Microsoft OneLake File Explorer, users should first download the application, then double-click the downloaded file. After installation, the OneLake File Explorer icon will appear in the Windows File Explorer. From here, users can manage their OneLake files and folders, and make changes as needed.

More links on about Leveraging OneLake Explorer - The OneDrive of Data! (Microsoft Fabric)

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Microsoft Fabric, OneDrive of Data, OneLake, Windows File Explorer, OneLake File Explorer, Manual Syncing