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Microsoft Teams Power Platform Solutions: Detailed Scenario Analysis
Power Platform
Jun 14, 2023 11:41 AM

Microsoft Teams Power Platform Solutions: Detailed Scenario Analysis

by HubSite 365 about Microsoft

Software Development Redmond, Washington

Citizen DeveloperTeamsPower PlatformLearning Selection

Explore Microsoft Teams Power Platform Solutions and capabilities with deep dive examples by expert Marcus Castro.

Power Platform Solutions in Microsoft Teams – Example scenario deep dive In this 12-minute developer focused demo, Marcus Castro moves beyond integration of Power Apps into Teams tabs or personal apps, to implementations that utilize more Teams capabilities (action buttons, chat, adaptive cards) to deliver richer contextual conversations to your users. Sample incident reporting application in this demo showcases integration options - context aware apps, Power Apps deep linking, sharing (Power Automate Flow), all on desktop/mobile surfaces. Samples available soon. This PnP Community demo is taken from the weekly Microsoft 365 Platform Community call recorded on May 2, 2023.

Demo Presenter:
• Marcus Castro (Microsoft)

Supporting materials:

  • Demo – Why build Power Platform Solutions in Microsoft Teams? – Stuart McCarthy (Microsoft) & Marcus Castro (Microsoft)
  • Documentation - Create apps in Microsoft Teams by using Power Apps |…
  • Documentation - Create

Enhancing Microsoft Teams with Power Platform Solutions

Power Platform Solutions provide an excellent opportunity for developers to create richer and more interactive applications within Microsoft Teams. By leveraging the capabilities of Power Apps, Power Automate, and other Microsoft 365 services, developers can create context aware apps that bring added value to their users. These apps can be designed to integrate seamlessly into existing workflows, allowing for deep linking and sharing via Power Automate Flows, amongst other features. With the ever-growing demand for enterprise collaboration tools, Power Platform Solutions offer a powerful way to optimize and enhance the Microsoft Teams experience.

Read the full article Power Platform Solutions in Microsoft Teams – Example scenario deep dive

Learn about Power Platform Solutions in Microsoft Teams – Example scenario deep dive

Microsoft Teams is a powerful platform that can be used to create Power Platform Solutions. In this demo, Marcus Castro shows how to use Teams capabilities such as action buttons, chat, and adaptive cards to provide a richer context for conversations with users. The demo includes an incident reporting application that demonstrates integration options such as context-aware apps, Power Apps deep linking, and sharing with Power Automate Flow. The demo was presented on the Microsoft 365 Platform Community call on May 2, 2023. To learn more about creating Power Apps in Microsoft Teams, you can refer to the documentation available on This includes information on how to create apps, use Power Automate Flows, and develop context aware apps. Additionally, the demo by Marcus Castro and Stuart McCarthy can provide further insight into why it is beneficial to build Power Platform Solutions in Microsoft Teams.

More links on about Power Platform Solutions in Microsoft Teams – Example scenario deep dive

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Power Platform, Microsoft Teams, Action Buttons, Adaptive Cards, Sample Incident Reporting, Power Automate Flow, Community Demo, Microsoft 365 Platform, Stuart McCarthy, Create Apps, Documentation