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Liquid Template Code in Power Pages | Basics of Liquid Code | Get Started with Liquid in Portals
Power Pages
Jan 27, 2023 8:37 PM

Liquid Template Code in Power Pages | Basics of Liquid Code | Get Started with Liquid in Portals

by HubSite 365 about Arpit Shrivastava (Arpit Power Guide) [MVP]

2xMicrosoft MVP | MCT | Power Platform Architect | India D365 User Group Leader | Power Community Ambassador | Speaker | Blogger | Trainer | Mentor | YouTuber

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For designing home page using Liquid Template Code you can watch my next video as well.

This is the 11th video of #PowerPages30DaysLearningChallenge series, where you'll learn: This is the recording of the session i recently delivered for UKRAINE D365 & Power Platform User Group. For designing home page using Liquid Template Code you can watch my next video as well.

  • 👉 Introduction to Liquid Template Code in Power Pages
  • 👉 Liquid Code basics
  • 👉 Liquid Template Code vs JavaScript in Power Pages
  • 👉 Why should use Liquid Template Code in Power Pages
  • 👉 Access Microsoft Dataverse data using Liquid code
  • 👉 Data security and Liquid
  • 👉 Liquid Template use case
  • 👉 Exercise - Customize Home Page using Liquid + HTML + Script + CSS

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Jul 14, 2022 — Using the most left icon of the above four, you can open the page editor. As you open the editor you will notice some html code and some ...

Jan 20, 2021 — Liquid is an open source templating language. This adds various super powers to HTML… now we can use if statements to conditionally show/hide ...