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How to Power Automate reshape a JSON array
Power Automate
Dec 8, 2023 10:30 AM

How to Power Automate reshape a JSON array

by HubSite 365 about Paul Murana [MVP]

Streamlining systems and processes using the Microsoft Power Platform. Microsoft Business Applications MVP.

Citizen DeveloperPower AutomateLearning Selection

This video is a response to a question posted on the Power Automate Community Forum. The original question is here:

Reshaping a JSON array in Power Automate involves several steps, including parsing the JSON data, manipulating it as needed, and then outputting the newly shaped data. Here's a general approach to reshape a JSON array using Power Automate:

  • Parse the JSON Data: Start by using the "Parse JSON" action in Power Automate. This requires the JSON data and a schema that describes the structure of the JSON data.
  • Manipulate the Data: After parsing, you can manipulate the data using various actions in Power Automate. You might use "Select", "Filter array", or "Compose" actions depending on your requirements.
  • Reshape the JSON: Use the manipulation tools to reshape the JSON array. This could mean changing the structure of the data, filtering out certain elements, or combining it with other data.
  • Create a New JSON Object: Once you have the desired data structure, use a "Compose" action to create a new JSON object or array in the format you need.

Remember, the specific steps and actions will depend on the original structure of your JSON data and the desired outcome.

Summary: Reshaping a JSON Array in Power Automate

Reshaping a JSON array in Power Automate involves parsing the JSON data, manipulating it using various actions, and then creating a new JSON object or array in the desired format. The process is customizable based on the specific needs of your data and the intended outcome.