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CoE Starter Kit: Next Steps After Installation
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Power Platform
Apr 15, 2024 6:30 AM

CoE Starter Kit: Next Steps After Installation

by HubSite 365 about Craig White

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Maximize CoE Starter Kit Benefits: Unleash Power Platforms Full Potential

Key insights

  • The CoE Starter Kit is invaluable for Power Platform admins to effectively manage and optimize their environments.
  • Key reports, such as the Production and Governance dashboards, provide essential insights for governance and operational strategies.
  • Identifying active makers and engaging with them can bolster internal evangelism and refine development practices.
  • Understanding the use of connectors and managing environments are foundational for securing and optimizing the Power Platform estate.
  • Extending the CoE Starter Kit by building custom solutions is encouraged to meet specific organizational needs.

Delving Into the CoE Starter Kit

The Center of Excellence (CoE) Starter Kit serves as a comprehensive toolkit designed for administrators to gain control over and optimize their organization's Power Platform environment. Its foundation lies in providing visibility into how components within the Power Platform are utilized, ensuring governance, and fostering best practices among makers. Central to the kit are its detailed dashboards which reveal crucial insights into the deployment of apps, flows, and connectors across environments.

Admins are empowered to drive more efficient and secure Power Platform usage by scrutinizing the activity within both Production and Governance dashboards. The emphasis on identifying and supporting active makers within the organization not only ensures adherence to governance policies but also encourages innovation and sharing of best practices. Furthermore, the kit underscores the importance of environment and connector management as pillars for maintaining a well-organized and secure Power Platform landscape.

Read the full article I’ve Installed The CoE Starter Kit… Now What?

Power Platform - Maximizing CoE Starter Kit: Next Steps After Installation



Understanding the CoE Starter Kit

Using the CoE Starter Kit involves engaging with its various components effectively. This includes understanding your environments, managing connectors and DLP policies, and identifying active and potentially risky connectors. It also entails discovering who your most active makers are, which can help in promoting the Power Platform within your organization.

Additionally, managing Dataverse for Teams environments requires attention, ensuring they're being used appropriately and not just provisioned without purpose. The governance dashboard is invaluable for detailed analysis, helping clean up past messes and defining future strategies to maintain a healthy Power Platform environment.

Extending the CoE Starter Kit might be necessary for some organizations, whether it's through building custom reports, applications, or implementing full-scale automations. Important apps within the kit, like the CoE Admin Command Center and DLP Impact Analysis, provide crucial insights and management capabilities for your Power Platform administration.

The key to successful usage lies in understanding the tools available, engaging with the community, both internally and externally, and applying best practices. The insights gained from the Starter Kit can significantly influence your organization’s Power Platform strategy, emphasizing the importance of its proper setup, analysis, and extension where needed.

The Power Platform Center of Excellence (CoE) Starter Kit is essential for organizations looking to maximize their Power Platform investments. It offers tools and insights to manage, govern, and nurture the platform’s use effectively. From setting up environments to data governance and managing app development, the CoE Starter Kit helps administrators get a comprehensive view of their Power Platform estate. Engaging with the kit allows for a detailed understanding of the environment, identifying key areas like used connectors, active makers, and potential risks. The Governance Dashboard is particularly useful for admins to keep a tidy and risk-free environment.

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Questions and Answers about Microsoft 365

"What identity should I install the CoE starter kit with?" For installing the CoE Starter Kit, it's essential that the identity you use possesses access to your tenant's Power Platform environments. The suitable identity should hold any of the following licenses and roles: Microsoft Power Platform service admin, global tenant admin, or Dynamics 365 service admin. "What is the use of CoE starter kit?" The CoE Starter Kit offers a strategic approach towards adopting, maintaining, and supporting the Microsoft Power Platform.
It is particularly focused on facilitating the use of Power Apps and Power Automate, serving as a comprehensive toolkit for establishing a Center of Excellence. "What are the office hours for CoE starter kit?" The CoE Starter Kit Office Hours are available for engagement every second Wednesday of the month from 7:00AM to 8:00AM Pacific Time. These sessions serve as an open forum where customers and partners can gain insights and ask questions related to the Power Platform CoE Starter Kit, facilitating better understanding and usage.
"What is Power Platform CoE Toolkit?" The Power Platform CoE Toolkit, an integral part of Microsoft’s strategy for advancing the adoption and support of the Power Platform, encompasses an array of components and tools. It is designed to guide organizations in developing a strategy centered around Power Apps, Power Automate, and Microsoft Copilot Studio, making it a foundational asset for those looking to leverage Microsoft's Power Platform.



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