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Announcing Application Insights Enhancements for Azure Logic Apps (Standard) Public Preview
Power Automate
Mar 13, 2023 10:00 AM

Announcing Application Insights Enhancements for Azure Logic Apps (Standard) Public Preview

by HubSite 365 about Kent Weare

Principal Product Manager - Azure Logic Apps

Citizen DeveloperPower AutomateM365 Release

In this video, we are going to discuss the new Application Insights Enhancements for Azure Logic Apps (Standard). I will walk you through the various enhancemen

In this video, we are going to discuss the new Application Insights Enhancements for Azure Logic Apps (Standard). I will walk you through the various enhancements including the Requests and

Traces tables, Exceptions, Retries, Filtering at source and Metrics.

Announcing Application Insights Enhancements for Azure Logic Apps (Standard) Public Preview is an article released by Microsoft that introduces several new features for the Azure Logic Apps (Standard) service.

These features include the ability to monitor and diagnose your logic apps, get deep insights into the performance and reliability of your apps, and use the data to improve the performance of your apps.

Questions and Answers about Microsoft 365

On your logic app menu, under Monitoring, select Alerts. On the toolbar, select Create > Alert rule. On the Select a signal pane, under Signal type, select the signal for which you want to get an alert.

The Azure Logic Apps platform helps you seamlessly connect disparate systems across cloud, on-premises, and hybrid environments. For example, you can connect a cloud marketing solution to an on-premises billing system, or centralize messaging across APIs and systems using Azure Service Bus.

Add existing functions to logic app workflows

In the Azure portal, add one or more authorization policies to your logic app: