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D365 Marketing Events Portal Using Power Pages
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Dynamics 365
Jul 28, 2023 2:00 PM

D365 Marketing Events Portal Using Power Pages

by HubSite 365 about Megan V. Walker [MVP]

Microsoft Business Applications MVP - Providing Power Platform solutions and guidance

Citizen DeveloperDynamics 365Learning Selection

When setting up D365 Marketing for the first time, you are given an option for web hosting to determine where your landing pages and marketing forms are going t

When first setting up D365 Marketing, you can choose your own web hosting solution or a D365 portal for your landing pages and marketing forms. Until recently, utilising your own webserver was recommended due to the flexibility it offered in customising the portal aesthetically to match your corporate site. The Event website uses Angular, differing from the HTML and Liquid used in Power Pages. However, it is now possible to create a fully customised Marketing Events Portal using Power Pages.

Exploring D365 Marketing Power Pages Portal

D365 Marketing Power Pages provide APIs for creating landing pages and marketing forms. It offers a highly customisable platform with the advantage of maintaining your corporate branding. The Power Pages portal uses HTML and Liquid, facilitating ease of use and providing reliability. This upcoming series will delve into how to effectively set up and utilise a Power Pages portal for D365 Marketing, providing a step-by-step guide on creation, customisation, and overall optimisation.


Read the full article D365 Marketing Events Portal Using Power Pages


Learn about D365 Marketing Events Portal Using Power Pages

D365 Marketing Events Portal Using Power Pages is a great way to create a custom and fully branded event website. This post is the first in a series all about creating a Marketing Events Portal using Power Pages (Power Apps). With this, you can have a portal that looks and feels the same as your own corporate site. This series will focus on setting up an event website in Dynamics 365 Marketing, which includes creating a portal, customizing the look and feel, setting up tracking and analytics, creating forms, and connecting to external services.


Additionally, you'll learn how to set up custom pages, configure content types, and integrate with other applications. Lastly, you'll find out how to use Power Pages to create and manage marketing campaigns, create custom landing pages, and use Power Apps to create powerful customer experiences. By the end of this series, you'll have a fully functional, custom branded event website that can be used to host events, capture leads, and generate insights.


More links on about D365 Marketing Events Portal Using Power Pages

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D365 Events Website, Power Pages Setup, D365 Marketing Landing Pages, Power Apps Portal, Event Website Setup Dynamics 365