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Master Microsoft Dataflows: Key to Data Integration
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Power Automate
Dec 18, 2023 3:30 AM

Master Microsoft Dataflows: Key to Data Integration

by HubSite 365 about Temmy Wahyu Raharjo

Citizen DeveloperMicrosoft DataversePower AutomateLearning Selection

Master Dataflows: Copy, Transform & Paste with Ease in Power Platform!

Let's delve into the concept of Dataflows, an automated process for moving data from various sources, transforming it using Power Query, and then loading it into destinations like Dataverse, Power BI workspaces, or Azure Data Lake Storage Accounts. By employing the same technology utilized in PowerBI, Dataflows streamline the data integration process. This method simplifies the acquisition and preparation of data for further analysis and utilization within Microsoft's suite of services.

The variety of data sources compatible with Dataflows exceeds 80, as per the official documentation. This flexibility allows for a wide range of data integration scenarios. For instance, you could transfer data between different Dataverse environments or even upgrade legacy systems by connecting them to the Power Platform and enhancing their capabilities.

Key Takeaway

Dataflows offer an automation solution for copying, transforming, and pasting data from various sources to Dataverse/Power BI workspace/Azure Data Lake Storage Account. Incremental refresh is recommended for efficiency, and Power Automate can be used to refresh dataflows.


  • Dataflows automate the process of copying, transforming, and pasting data from different sources to Dataverse/Power BI workspace/Azure Data Lake Storage Account.
  • The article discusses the benefits of using Dataflows, including the ability to set the source from on-premises databases and leverage Power Platform capabilities.
  • It provides a step-by-step guide on how to create a dataflow, including selecting data sources, transforming data, and mapping attributes.
  • Full refresh scans the entire source table and syncs with the target table, while incremental refresh is recommended for resource efficiency.
  • Power Automate can be used to refresh dataflows, providing automation capabilities.
  • The article emphasizes that incremental refresh is the best practice for efficient data synchronization.
  • It also highlights the option to delete rows that no longer exist in the query output during data refresh.
  • The article showcases the results of data synchronization and provides insights into how Dataflows function.
  • Overall, Dataflows offer a valuable solution for data integration and transformation with a focus on efficiency and automation.

Understanding Microsoft Dataflows

Dataflows are a vital part of Microsoft's data integration services, which provide a seamless path for extracting, transforming, and loading data (ETL process) into various Microsoft cloud services. The automation offered by Dataflows helps businesses efficiently consolidate and prepare data for analysis, enabling deeper insights and more informed decision-making. Their compatibility with a vast array of data sources ensures flexibility, and the integration with PowerBI's transformation capabilities offers a robust, user-friendly experience. Essential to the Power Platform, Dataflows empower users to easily connect and manipulate data across Microsoft's ecosystem, enhancing the overall utility of services such as Dynamics 365, Power BI, and Azure.


Data Management with Dataflows: Understanding Automation and Integration

Learning about Dataflows introduces the concept of automating data processes. Dataflows provide a means of copying data from a variety of sources, transforming it through Power Query, and then pasting it into services like Dataverse, Power BI workspaces, or Azure Data Lake Storage Accounts. This automation takes advantage of the technology used in PowerBI.

The provided documentation highlights the capacity to work with over 80 data sources, emphasizing the versatility of Dataflows. One example provided is copying data from one Dataverse environment to another, showcasing the ease of implementation in certain cases.

However, Dataflows can also manage data from on-premises databases to Dataverse, facilitating the integration of legacy systems with Power Platform capabilities. This extends to optimizing workflows with Power Platform's Copilot feature.

Creating Your First Dataflow

To begin with Dataflows, users navigate to and access the Dataflows section. From here, creating a new dataflow starts with assigning it a name. Following the creation, users will select their data source, in the demonstration, the choice is "Dataverse".

After establishing the connection, the focus shifts to selecting which table to manipulate. The demo uses the 'Contact' table, where users can then proceed to transform the data by selecting necessary columns like ContactId, FirstName, LastName, ModifiedOn, and CreatedOn.

The next step involves mapping, where users can either create a new table or select an existing one in the Dataverse environment. The dialog box allows for attributes mapping and the option to auto-map. Additionally, users can decide whether to delete rows that no longer exist in the query output.

Read the full article Let’s learn about the Dataflows


Databases - Master Microsoft Dataflows: Key to Data Integration


People also ask

What are dataflows in power apps?

Dataflows in Power Apps are a feature that allows users to ingest data from a wide variety of sources, transform and clean that data, and then store it in a Common Data Service (now part of Microsoft Dataverse) for use in apps and analytics. Dataflows enable app makers to ease data shaping and bringing data into a unified format, making it easier to churn out insights and drive business processes.

How do data flows work?

Data flows work by defining a series of steps that import data from sources such as Dynamics 365, Salesforce, Excel, SharePoint, and various database and file formats. The data is then processed using Power Query, a tool familiar from Excel and Power BI, to apply data transformations and cleaning operations. Once transformed, the data can then be mapped to standard or custom entities in the Dataverse, and it can be refreshed on a schedule or on-demand, ensuring data within apps and analytics is up to date.

How do you take over dataflow?

Taking over a dataflow generally requires ownership or edit permissions over the dataflow within its respective workspace. It typically involves accessing the dataflow's settings in the Power Apps environment, updating the ownership or permissions as necessary, and potentially editing the dataflow to suit new data requirements or transformations. Proper access rights and familiarity with the Power Query process are essential for managing and editing dataflows.

What are two advantages of creating dataflows in premium workspaces?

Creating dataflows in premium workspaces in Power Apps offers several advantages. Firstly, premium workspaces allow for larger data storage and greater refresh rates, which is beneficial for more extensive and complex datasets or more frequent update needs. Secondly, premium features often provide enhanced computation and performance capabilities, enabling more efficient data processing, faster refresh times, and overall better performance for the dataflows and the apps that rely on them.


Dataflows Explained, Understanding Dataflows, Dataflow Education, Learn Dataflows, Dataflows Tutorial, Dataflow Basics, Mastering Dataflows, Dataflows Introduction, Advanced Dataflows, Dataflow Guide