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Microsoft 365 Copilot pricing sticker-shock
20. Juli 2023 11:00

Microsoft 365 Copilot pricing sticker-shock

von HubSite 365 Ć¼ber Darrell Webster Modern Work Mentor

Modern Work Mentor, Change Consultant, Content Creator, Community Conduit.

Pro UserLoopLearning Selection

What value do you put on productivity?

Before you write off Copilot based on pricing announcements, think about these
things. Pilot Copilot. Test it's value with a few people. Understand what
productivity impacts it will bring to different people and roles in your
organisation. Learn from the process of preparing for Copilot and turning it on.
Create your strategy from intentional exploration.
I share a few thoughts and reactions to the pricing and why I think Copilot
could still be good value for your organisation.
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