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Power Platform - More Autopilot than Copilot
Power Platform
16. Okt 2023 09:00

Power Platform - More Autopilot than Copilot

von HubSite 365 über David Wyatt [MVP]

Senior Staff Engineer - Intelligent Automation Developer

Pro UserPower PlatformLearning Selection

Microsoft expert critically assesses Power Platform Copilot, highlighting its strengths and pitfalls for the low code community.

The author, David Wyatt, shares an insightful opinion on Microsoft's Power Platform. Contrary to initial reactions, Wyatt sees the platform as more of an 'autopilot' than a 'copilot'. His preference leans towards GitHub Copilot, which is deemed more useful in saving time with boilerplate tasks, predicting, and auto-completing code.

The Power Platform, according to Wyatt, takes control over tasks, while GitHub's manner of providing explanations fosters learning and active implementation by the user. This apparent difference leads to the author's analogy of Power Platform being an autopilot, thus undermining its potential benefits as a LowCode tool.

Wyatt explains that Power Platform, despite its helpful benefits in saving time and simplifying coding tasks, seems to be replicating the functions already existing in LowCode. This seeming redundancy raises questions on the usefulness of implementing the Power Platform as a "Copilot" for LowCode. Wyatt outlines several reasons to justify his reservations.

  • Simpler tools, like LowCode and Power Platform, might lead to code complexities.
  • The much-celebrated seamless operation could limit innovation because it eliminates the learning curve that generally drives progress.
  • The extent of code diversity is threatened since everyone might end up using the same solutions to solve similar issues.
  • There's potential for oversaturation, as the real talents could be lost in the sea of new entrants.
  • Technical debt might increase due to a lack of understanding of the generated solutions.

General Perspective on Power Platform

Wyatt's opinion presents the Power Platform as a tool that eliminates the learning process and inhibits innovation, which is contrary to the accepted narrative. The disadvantages and risks he outlined seem to stem from the way the platform is being utilized, rather than its innate properties. Looking beyond the immediate efficiency gains, the author suggests that Microsoft should repurpose Copilot to resemble GitHub's style. He recommends an approach that not only solves problems but also explains the process of getting to the solution. Wyatt argues that this approach could help create a smoother transition from LowCode to ProCode. Despite the criticisms, the Power Platform undeniably has been a gamechanger in revolutionizing and simplifying tech operations, which speaks to its potential and adaptability.

For a deep-dive into the Power Platform, follow this link.


Read the full article Power Platform - More Autopilot than Copilot

Power Platform - Maximizing Automation with Microsoft Power Platform

Learn about Power Platform - More Autopilot than Copilot


The a discussion in this blog post revolves around Microsoft's Power Platform and its Copilot functionality. The author argues that instead of working as a copilot, it feels more like an autopilot, taking away the learning experience. The difference between these tools, like Github Copilot and Power Platform Copilot, needs to be understood at a root level. There are plenty of Microsoft's official and third-party tutorial courses designed to educate beginners on their Power Platform, considered hereafter as an autopilot tool.

The author points out that the power platform saves significant time on various workloads, suggesting an opportunity to examine additional effective strategies for utilizing this technology. Adopting more effective practices for implementing this technology might be made possible through courses or training focused on optimizing the use of these tools.

Also, the argument situates LowCode and Copilot as somewhat competing technologies. Therein lies the potential value in undertaking a comparison study between these technologies or seeking out training that provides a comprehensive analysis of both, especially in a use-case scenario.

According to the author, one of the key issues with the LowCode strategy is its simplified language, which leads to over-engineered solutions when used outside of its 80% target bracket. This suggests the need to learn how to optimally utilize LowCode and identify the right situations for its application. There are courses available which empower users to better understand LowCode application boundaries and effective usage.

The argument also touches on the concept of Technical Debt. This term refers to the eventual consequences of poor system design, software architecture, or software development within a codebase. Understanding and managing technical debt deserves serious consideration and likely requires its course or training program.

One of the significant points raised in this blog post is the need for improvements in Power Apps Component Framework. This indicates the necessity for in-depth knowledge and skills to fully harness the benefits of this framework - another area where targeted training could prove especially valuable.

Another topic of interest in the post is security. It's vital to note that there exists no software devoid of vulnerabilities, and as such, it is crucial to ensure secure coding practices. It is suggested to consider the requisite training to adequately understand and address the security vulnerabilities and implications associated with using these tools.

In a nutshell, the blog post provides multiple perspectives on using the Microsoft Power Platform, LowCode, and Copilot. To gain a comprehensive understanding and expertise in these discussed areas, consider exploring the various courses and training programs that focus on these subjects. Ensure to elect training providers known for their quality and content relevance.

Those seriously interested in learning about these topics could also consider enrolling in a technical bootcamp or certification program. Examples might include Microsoft's official certification programs or similar offerings from reputable online education platforms. Through structured and intensive training, these programs can provide an in-depth, functional knowledge of the subjects at hand.

Lastly, ensure to supplement formal training with consistent hands-on practice, community engagement, and self-directed research. Through a balanced mix of theory, practice, and interaction, you'll work toward a thorough and nuanced understanding of these important subjects.



Power Platform, Autopilot, Copilot, Microsoft Power Platform, Autopilot Technology, Business Automation, Data Management, Power BI, PowerApps, Power Automate.