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Implementing Membership Requests in Team Inventory
28. Sept 2023 10:49

Implementing Membership Requests in Team Inventory

von HubSite 365 über Jakob Schaefer

Senior IT Consultant at thinformatics AG

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Microsoft expert unveils a Teams Inventory implementation guide for optimizing Teams membership requests using native M365 features.

Integrating Membership Requests into Teams Inventory

The blog post by Jakob Schaefer overviews how one can implement membership requests into their Teams Inventory by utilizing Microsoft 365's native features. By doing this, all members of a particular 'Team' can request membership for other listed 'Teams'. The requests are then sent to the respective Team owners for approval using built-in tools for this process.

This process gives end-users a simple way to navigate and start using the system. It involves creating a Power Automate Flow that triggers the inventory and establishes an Approval Item in a separate SharePoint List. This subsequently triggers another Power Automate Flow, starting the approval process for the owners. When approved, the user requesting the membership gets added to the team.

The first step is to create a 'Approvals' list, which will incorporate all user requests. This list is identical to those of the inventory and includes GroupID, RequestingUser, Status, and Result columns. Each column holding, respectively, the group's ID, the user object, the current status of the membership request, and the outcome of said approval. Following this, a helper flow is initiated that any user can trigger using the inventory list to request access.

Further details about the trigger actions and other relevant steps are available.

In addition to the helper flow, an option is integrated into the inventory that triggers the flow, and a trigger button can be added to update the tile-view formatting. With the implementation of this, the users of the Team Inventory can request membership access in a more straightforward manner.

However, the writer points out that 'Teams' should also be approved. To achieve this, the blog recommends creating another flow with the ability to edit Group Memberships. This involves more complicated steps but is necessary for the feature to be fully operational. As soon as this is completed, the Teams Inventory can be used to request 'Teams' membership, completing the procedure detailed in the blog.


In conclusion, the blog explains to readers, especially those dealing with team management, how they can improve their Teams Inventory. By implementing the membership request process into this inventory system, Teams' end-users are allowed to access other Teams with an efficient request-approval progression. The detailed description paired with the guide to creating the necessary tools and functions provides a valuable resource for maximizing team management.

Read the full article Teams Inventory – Implement Membership Requests

Teams - Implementing Membership Requests in Team Inventory

Learn about Teams Inventory – Implement Membership Requests

Creating a Microsoft Teams inventory that allows users to easily request to join a team is a need you may encounter while managing Teams in an organization. This process uses Microsoft 365's native Power Automate and SharePoint features. Let's delve deeper into how you can achieve this in the simplest way possible. We'll be taking a look at the following key stages: Constructing an approval list, generating a helper flow, integrating the flow in the inventory list, and finally managing the approval request process.

Creating the Approval List

  • Create a list titled ‘Approvals’ in the same site as your inventory that will store all membership requests. This list should have specific columns required for this implementation - GroupID, RequestingUser, Status, and Result.

Generating the Helper Flow

  • Build a flow trigger that can be initiated by users seeking access to the inventory list.
  • Upon request, the Helper Flow will capture the necessary details of the membership request and create an item for it in the 'Approvals' list.
  • Ensure the flow is made available to all inventory users.

Integrating the Helper Flow into the Inventory List

  • To enable the Helper Flow, embed a trigger in the inventory list.
  • The trigger could either be activated using the standard context-menu or you could set up a tile-view formatting button.

At this stage, you've successfully implemented the membership request in your platform. Now, to further improve the process, let's move to deal with the approval request and its handling.

Setting Up Flow for Approval Process

  • Initiate a new flow using the SharePoint Trigger titled 'When an item is created or modified' and scope it for the Approvals List.
  • Proceed to define the relevant variables.
  • Start an approval process targeted at the respective Teams owners.
  • Dependent on the outcome of the approval, you can add the requesting user when the result equals 'Approve'.
  • The final step involves updating the item in the approval list.

In conclusion, the Microsoft Teams inventory you've created can be used by users not only to view but also to request membership to the various teams more efficiently. This solution leverages the integrated capabilities of Microsoft 365's Power Automate and SharePoint tools to ensure a smooth experience for both teams' owners and membership seekers. And in anticipation of your question—"What else?" We're working to enhance this solution further including the ability to hide certain Teams from the inventory. Let's stay tuned!

More links on about Teams Inventory – Implement Membership Requests

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Teams Inventory, Implement membership requests, Manage Teams Inventory, Effective Teams Inventory, Membership Requests service, Efficient Membership Implementation, Manage membership requests, Inventory management in Teams, Enhance Team membership, Optimized Teams Inventory.