Looking at what machine learning is, what neural networks are, what GPT is and then how that all plays into ChatGPT! Looking for content on a particular topic? Search the channel. If I have something it will be there!
▬▬▬▬▬▬ K E Y L I N K S 🔗 ▬▬▬▬▬▬
► Whiteboard:
► ChatGPT site at OpenAI:
🔗 chat.openai.com/chat [https://chat.openai.com/chat]
► Great example video of number recognition:
🔗 youtu.be/Tsvxx-GGlTg [https://youtu.be/Tsvxx-GGlTg]
► OpenAI tokenizer:
🔗 platform.openai.com/tokenizer [https://platform.openai.com/tokenizer]
► GPT 2 paper:
🔗 cdn.openai.com/better-language-models/l…
► GPT-3 paper:
🔗 arxiv.org/pdf/2005.14165.pdf [https://arxiv.org/pdf/2005.14165.pdf]
► ChatGPT overview: