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Top Collaboration Apps Review and Missing Features Analysis
26. Okt 2023 13:29

Top Collaboration Apps Review and Missing Features Analysis

von HubSite 365 über Bulb Digital

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Unlock the secrets to effective collaboration with top-rated apps like Slack, Teams, M365 Loop & Outlook from Microsoft experts at Bulb!

In the informative video produced by "Bulb Digital", the focus is pivoted towards their favorite collaboration applications and what they find missing in the current collaborative digital landscape. Notably, they have tools like Slack, Teams, M365 Loop, and Outlook in their collaboration toolbox, although they acknowledge the interaction varies based on a business's unique needs.

"Bulb Digital" doesn't present a one-size-fits-all solution, instead, they expose their methods to give viewers an idea of what internal collaboration looks like for them. Despite their prowess in this field, they openly admit that their system is not infallible nor would work across the board for every organization.

"Bulb Digital" relies on several collaboration platforms daily however, they don’t provide an elaborate walk-through in the video nor do they offer a prescribed approach. Among the favored platforms are Slack, which is their main chat medium; Teams, their project management, meeting, and file management platform; and M365 Loop, a fresh addition that’s garnering increasing usage from their team. They also engage with OneDrive, but more as a subtle backdrop for user folders’ synchronization and meeting recordings.

Other tools that the team regularly use include Planner for task management and Outlook for email and calendar management. However, according to "Bulb Digital", external collaboration tools like Teams or Slack do not replace Outlook. Instead, it's seen as a transition period from using only Outlook for interactions to utilizing it mainly for communication with people outside your immediate circle.

A General Overview

Despite utilizing numerous collaboration tools, "Bulb Digital" shares its longing for more developed solutions in areas such as calendaring, task management, diagramming, and virtual whiteboards. Existing tools either lack comprehensive features, or their complexity creates a cumbersome user experience. The team hopes for the evolution of toolsets that can consolidate these needs, promote seamless integration and thus foster a more connected and dynamic modern workplace.

For additional insights into "Bulb Digital"'s observations on collaboration tools, you can click here.

  • Collaboration tools like Slack and Teams.
  • File management and synchronization via OneDrive.
  • Project and task management utilizing Planner.
  • Email and calendar management with Outlook.

At the end of the day, each organization will have its unique collaborative system and preferred tools that do not necessarily align completely with another. As "Bulb Digital" emphasizes, no solution is perfect, but finding what works efficiently for your specific context is what matters.


Read the full article Our Favorite Collaboration Apps & What's Missing!

Teams - Top Collaboration Apps Review and Missing Features Analysis

Learn about Our Favorite Collaboration Apps & What's Missing!


To understand this topic better and gain relevant skills, you could consider signing up for courses on Microsoft 365, collaborative tools, and general digital collaboration. These could include Mastering Microsoft Teams, Microsoft 365 Fundamentals, and Digital Collaboration and Productivity courses. The most useful courses would involve material on a variety of applications such as Teams, M365 Loop, and Outlook, as well as offer information on how to optimize collaboration in a business setting.

You would want to look for courses that provide practical, step-by-step instruction and offer resources like blog posts or guides for further understanding. Subscribing to relevant newsletters could also be beneficial to stay updated on platform changes, new features, or productive uses of existing tools. Courses that encourage active participation and hands-on learning could be especially valuable, as they would offer practical experience using these apps directly.

If you prefer non-video learning methods, you might find it useful to visit dedicated learning centers for these tools. Similarly, joining live sessions or meetings where you could directly ask your Office 365 related questions might also help. As this YouTube video and guide imply, collaboration techniques can vary greatly between different businesses, thus using Office 365 tools effectively depends on the particular case.

Beyond courses, it might be useful to check out podcasts that discuss office culture and the usage of non-Microsoft apps. Following experts and digital agencies on social media platforms could also expose you to new tips and tricks for using these software solutions.

Additional resources you might want to consider are blogs and other written resources that discuss these topics. Getting involved in online communities dedicated to these subjects could also be a great avenue for gaining knowledge and networking with other professionals. Don't forget to subscribe to relevant channels, podcasts, or newsletters in order to stay ahead in this fast-evolving field.

In conclusion, by studying and experiencing different collaborative tools available, you'll be able to find the best fit for you or your business, develop cooperatively oriented strategies, and ultimately become more productive and efficient.


Collaboration Apps, Best Collaboration Apps, Missing Collaboration Features, Productivity Apps, Team Collaboration Tools, Digital Workspaces, Online Collaboration Tools, Communication Apps, Project Management Tools, Collaboration App Reviews.