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How to reply like a BOSS in Teams #shorts
3. März 2023 12:00

How to reply like a BOSS in Teams #shorts

von HubSite 365 über Giuliano De Luca [MVP]

Microsoft MVPs, YouTube Creator, International Speaker, Technical Architect

Pro UserTeams

In this short video you'll learn how to reply quickly and easily like a boss in Teams

In this short video you'll learn how to reply quickly and easily like a boss in


To replay in Microsoft Teams, follow these steps:

  1. Open Microsoft Teams and go to the chat or channel where you want to replay.
  2. Find the message that you want to replay to, and hover your mouse over it.
  3. Click on the three dots that appear to the right of the message.
  4. In the menu that appears, click on “Reply.”
  5. Type your reply in the message box that appears.
  6. Hit “Enter” or click the arrow button to send your reply.

Your reply will appear below the message you are replying to, with a line connecting the two messages to show that they are related.

YouTube · Giuliano De Luca · 1 giorno fa

17 ago 2021 — Replying to Emails like a BOSS · 2. Use bullet points · 3. Avoid using emoticons or abbreviations in an email · 4. Don't say sorry (too often) · 5.

3 ott 2022 — Replying to email from your boss effectively is critical. Use these 10 examples to send better reply emails.

Instead of typing a response to a message, tap one of the suggested replies buttons above the box where you type to send it immediately.