The power of shortcuts in Microsoft Fabric is considered one of the most potent capabilities within OneLake. These shortcuts enable users to navigate through the system more efficiently. Adam elucidates what these shortcuts are and how they can be utilised effectively. Microsoft provides comprehensive guides on OneLake shortcuts and how to create an Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 shortcut. Participants can expand their knowledge by enrolling in membership.
The Microsoft Fabric is an extensive collection of software tools and services. OneLake is one of the most powerful capabilities and its shortcuts are deemed highly effective. Not only is they make work more efficient but also enhance user experience by reducing time spent on routine tasks and allowing more focus on core project tasks.
Microsoft Fabric offers powerful shortcuts that can be used to streamline workflows. Adam will explain these shortcuts and how to use them. For example, you can create an Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 shortcut at Guy in a Cube also has training available to help you take your Power BI skills to the next level. Visit To connect with Guy in a Cube, follow @guyinacube, @awsaxton, and @patrickdba on Twitter, or find them on Facebook and Instagram. Finally, visit to check out the Tools page and learn more about Microsoft Fabric, OneLake, and Guy in a Cube.
Microsoft Fabric, OneLake, Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2, Power BI, Guy in a Cube, Tools page