Sort Array in Power Automate
Power Automate
10. Okt 2022 00:00

Sort Array in Power Automate

von HubSite 365 über Dhruvin Shah [MVP]

Microsoft MVP (Business Application & Data Platform) | Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) | Microsoft SharePoint & Power Platform Practice Lead | Power BI Specialist | Blogger | YouTuber | Trainer

Citizen DeveloperPower AutomateLearning Selection

Today Let's talk about how to sort array in Power Automate. To sort array in Power Automate we need to use e...

In this video, Dhruvin talks about how to sort arrays in Power Automate. The Sort-function is needed to sort an array in Power Automate. By default, it sorts in Ascending order. To reverse the order, the Reverse-function can be used.

Further info around sorting in PowerAutomate

Power Automate – How to sort an array

For an alternative way to sort an array, this post can be helpful. It shows how to sort with an Office Script.

Sort an array in Power Automate in 3 easy steps

Pieter Veenstra explained how to sort arrays in Power Automate using an Azure function. However, this requires a premium license. Therefore, he also explains how to do it in 3 easy steps with Excel in Power Automate:

Sort Array in Power Automate, Using Custom Code Connector

Another alternative to sort arrrays in Power Automate is building a custom code connector as shown here: