Optimize Data with Power Platform DLP Policies
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Power Automate
1. Apr 2024 19:04

Optimize Data with Power Platform DLP Policies

von HubSite 365 über David Wyatt [MVP]

Senior Staff Engineer - Intelligent Automation Developer

Citizen DeveloperPower AutomateLearning Selection

Maximize Power Platform Security with Vital DLP Strategies & Policies

Key insights

  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policies are essential for protecting Power Platform environments from data leaks.
  • There are two levels of DLP policies: Tenant and Environment, with Tenant being the primary level that oversees the environment policies.
  • The DLP configuration involves three main areas: Connectors, Custom Connectors, and Connector Configuration, with over 1000 connectors available for grouping and control.
  • There are two main DLP strategies: shared and bespoke, with the shared approach being preferable for ease of maintenance.
  • Regular maintenance and review of the DLP policy are crucial due to the ongoing release of new connectors and internal development.

Understanding the Importance of DLP Policies in Power Platform

Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policies serve a critical role in safeguarding Power Platform environments, ensuring that sensitive data does not leave the secured perimeter unintentionally. These policies provide a structured approach to govern how data is handled within the platform, with specific emphasis on preventing unauthorized data flow. DLP is not a one-time setup but necessitates ongoing attention and revision to adapt to new connectors or changes within the platform's ecosystem.

The arrangement of DLP policies into Tenant and Environment levels offers a layered defense mechanism, with Tenant policies serving as the overarching guidelines that influence the finer controls at the Environment level. This layered approach enables granular control over data access and management, tailored to the specific needs of various segments within an organization.

DLP policies extend their reach by encompassing Connectors, Custom Connectors, and Connector Configuration, thereby offering a comprehensive coverage across all potential data interaction points within the platform. This expansive control setup is pivotal in managing the diverse range of over 1000 connectors, ensuring that they align with the organization's data governance policies.

Implementing effective DLP strategies, whether shared or bespoke, demands thorough planning and continuous monitoring to accommodate the dynamic nature of the Power Platform ecosystem. The ultimate aim is to strike a balance between flexibility for innovation and stringent controls for data protection.

Regular maintenance and vigilant oversight of the DLP policies are indispensable for ensuring their effectiveness over time. With the platform continuously evolving and new connectors being introduced, a proactive stance towards DLP policy management is critical for maintaining robust data security and compliance posture in the Power Platform.

Read the full article Power Platform - DLP Policies


Data Loss Prevention Policies are vital in safeguarding Power Platform environments by controlling data flow and guarding against data leaks. Implementing a thorough DLP strategy is not a one-time setup but necessitates ongoing review. There are two crucial policy levels: Tenant and Environment, with the Tenant level being of utmost importance as it overrides environment policies.

To understand this further, key aspects include configuring DLP policies around Connectors, Custom Connectors, and Connector Configuration. With over a thousand connectors available, they are classified into three categories: Business, Non-Business, and Blocked, depending on their data access levels. It's noteworthy that 24 Microsoft connectors cannot be blocked.

Custom Connectors are managed differently, focusing on the URLs used rather than the connectors themselves, offering four settings: Blocked, Non-Business, Business, and Ignore. Connector Configuration then looks into specific connectors offering additional control options, notably HTTP and SQL connectors, which allow for fine-tuning access and actions.

Strategically, DLP policies can be broadly categorized into shared or bespoke. For ease of management, a shared strategy is often preferred, creating a unified policy across all environments. Three different policy groups – Default, Standard, and Innovation – cater to varying levels of data access and exploration, from highly restrictive to open for testing and exploration.

When comparing out-of-the-box versus custom connectors, the former offers quick implementation with no development time but may lack specificity and security. Custom connectors, while necessitating development and an Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) strategy, provide tailored solutions and security assurance. Maintenance of DLP policies involves continuous reviews, especially with new connectors being released, ensuring everything remains secure.

  • Understanding and setting up Power Automate DLP policies is crucial for data protection.
  • Configurations around Connectors, Custom Connectors, and Connector Configuration form the core of DLP policies.
  • A blend of shared and bespoke strategies can optimize policy management across different environments.
  • The choice between out-of-the-box and custom connectors hinges on requirements for development time, specificity, and security.
  • Maintaining DLP policies is an ongoing process requiring regular reviews and adjustments.

Understanding Power Automate's Role in Secure Data Management

Managing data flow and ensuring security within Power Automate environments highlight the significance of Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policies. These policies not only set barriers on how data is exchanged but also play a pivotal role in preventing potential data breaches. The essence of DLP policies lies in their detailed planning, ongoing assessment, and adjustment, ensuring environments remain safeguarded against unauthorized data access or leaks.

At the core of DLP implementation in Power Automate is the categorization and control of connectors, crucial for dictating how data can be accessed and used within workflows. By distinguishing between Business, Non-Business, and Blocked connectors, organizations can tailor their Power Automate usage to align with their security posture and business needs. Additionally, DLP strategies—whether they adopt a shared or bespoke approach—allow for flexibility in policy application across different organizational environments. The debate between choosing out-of-the-box connectors versus custom development hinges on specific security, development, and management considerations.

Overall, Power Automate's DLP features provide organizations with the tools necessary to protect sensitive information effectively. Through careful planning, strategic configuration, and regular maintenance of these policies, businesses can leverage Power Automate to enhance efficiency without compromising on security.

People also ask

What are DLP policies in power apps?

Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policies serve as protective measures that aid in preventing users from accidentally exposing sensitive information. These policies can be applied at either the environment level or the tenant level, allowing for the creation of effective policies that safeguard data without hindering productivity.

Where can I find DLP policies?

To locate DLP policies, navigate to the Policies section within the Microsoft 365 Compliance Center and select Data Loss Prevention. This action will take you to the DLP page, where you should click on the Policies tab to access them.

What are the different types of DLP policies?

DLP policies can be categorized into three main types: Network DLP, Endpoint DLP, and Cloud DLP, each addressing data loss prevention across different domains and platforms.

What is the DLP policy strategy?

A DLP strategy outlines the approach to configuring DLP policies amidst the evolving technological landscape and changing business requirements. This strategy is pivotal in ensuring that the Power Platform remains a secure environment for your organization's data.


Power Platform DLP, DLP Policies Power Platform, Power Platform data loss prevention, Configure DLP Power Platform, Power Platform DLP rules, Power Platform governance, Data protection Power Platform, DLP strategy Power Platform