Boost Customer Satisfaction with Omnichannel Sentiment Flags
Dynamics 365
24. Nov 2023 02:00

Boost Customer Satisfaction with Omnichannel Sentiment Flags

von HubSite 365 über Lewis Baybutt [MVP]

Power Platform Consultant 💬 at HybrIT Services | Low Code Lewis 👨🏻‍💻 | Microsoft 365 | Power Platform | SharePoint | Dynamics 365 | #CommunityRocks 🚀

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Monitor Dynamics 365 Customer Chats with AI-Driven Sentiment Analysis!

Supervisors can now identify low-sentiment conversations in the customer service software platform using sentiment analysis. This feature is part of the AI capabilities within the platform that evaluate interactions between agents and customers. A visual indicator is provided to the agent, adding value to the real-time communication process.

After a conversation is completed, the sentiment score is stored within the company's data platform. This score can be used to trigger custom automation tailored to specific business needs. Supervisors, overwhelmed by the volume of interactions, can benefit from automated alerts on conversations that require attention.

For instance, a supervisor might want conversations with notably negative sentiment to be flagged. This enables a review of the interaction details and possibly an outreach to the customer to resolve any lingering issues. This proactive approach aims to leave the customer with a more positive impression post-conversation.

To automate such functions, a Power Automate flow can be utilized. Creating a cloud-based automated flow within a solution allows for the triggering of actions based on changes to conversation records. Specific parameters can be set to filter and select the necessary data for the process.

The flow primarily identifies records that showcase significant negative sentiment. Following this identification, it triggers an email alert to the designated supervisor or manager. The flow can be customized to dynamically include conversation details in the email, allowing for swift access and action.

When testing this automated system, emulate a highly negative dialogue within the platform between an agent and a customer. If successful, supervisors receive an email signal indicating the negative nature of the conversation. This empowers them to directly access the conversation record for review.

  • Utilizes sentiment analysis to improve customer service
  • Automatically flags conversations with negative sentiment
  • Stores sentiment scores within the company’s data platform for analysis
  • Enables supervisors to focus on critical customer interactions
  • Uses Power Automate for creating efficient workflows
  • Allows for real-time email notifications to designated personnel
  • Includes dynamic content in emails for quick access to conversation details
  • Enhances the capability to rectify customer issues proactively

Enhancing Customer Interaction With Analysis & Automation

Companies now have the ability to improve customer interactions through analysis and automation. Monitoring sentiment in customer conversations can offer valuable insights and aid in managing the customer service workload. The integration of automated flows facilitates the notification of important conversation cues to supervisors, ensuring that customer concerns are addressed promptly. This blog post by Lewis Baybutt provides a clear example of how incorporating technical automation can optimize the management of customer relations and improve overall service satisfaction.

Read the full article Flag conversations with low sentiment in Omnichannel for supervisor review

Dynamics 365 - Boost Customer Satisfaction with Omnichannel Sentiment Flags


flagging conversations, low sentiment detection, Omnichannel sentiment analysis, supervisor review process, monitor chat sentiment, track customer satisfaction, sentiment scoring in Omnichannel, emotional intelligence tools, improve customer service experience, escalate negative interactions