Excel Create A Personal Macro Workbook
22. Feb 2023 09:00

Excel Create A Personal Macro Workbook

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How to Create a Personal Macro Workbook in Excel. I have a lot of other videos where I want you to put a few lines of VBA into your Personal Macro Workbook

I have a lot of other videos where I want you to put a few lines of VBA into your Personal Macro Workbook. I am always thinking that many people won’t have a Personal Macro Workbook. My goal with this video is that any time a future video mentions the Personal Macro Workbook, I can ask you to watch this video to create a Personal Macro Workbook and then you can go back to the other video for the VBA code for that particular task.

Table of Contents

(0:00) Excel Create a Personal Macro Workbook

(0:18) Do you already have Personal.xlsb?

(0:41) Recording Hello macro into Personal Macro Workbook

(1:42) Need to Save Personal.XLSB so do it now

(2:12) Add Developer tab to Ribbon

(2:10) Open Visual Basic Editor

(2:38) Open Project Explorer in VBA

(2:55) Saving Personal from VBA Editor

(3:22) Wrap up with Wally & Nancy

3 hours ago — This is a starter macro to create Personal.XLSB. You don't have to put that in, but it'll help you five years from now, remember what the heck ...

If you find yourself recreating the same macros, you can copy those macros to a special workbook called Personal.xlsb that is saved on your computer.

Where Can I Find the Personal Macro Workbook? ; Click on Record Macro. Record a Macro to create the Personal Macro Workbook ; In the 'Store Macro in' drop down, ...