Generate Microsoft Teams Call Flow Diagrams Automatically
20. Okt 2022 08:24

Generate Microsoft Teams Call Flow Diagrams Automatically

von HubSite 365 über Martin Heusser

I am building and automating Microsoft Teams Phone Solutions and Call Flows.


Discover the efficiency of Microsoft 365 Call Flow Visualizer for optimized Microsoft Teams call configurations

A Summary of Automating Microsoft Teams Call Flow Diagrams

Author Martin Heusser discussed his new version of the “Microsoft 365 Call Flow Visualizer” Script on his recent blog post. He underscored how the majority of his work involves creating or configuring Microsoft Teams call flows almost on a daily basis.

While the interface provided by the Teams Admin Center is quite user-friendly, it can be challenging when creating a more foundational setup like the target call quizzes and auto attendants. The complex solutions often can't be conveniently set up straight away.

Reviewing Teams-related configurations can be time-consuming, especially when dealing with a large organization or multiple clients. Questions regarding call transfer targets, call answering configurations, and how long it rings before a call is transferred are very common.

Martin highlighted an approach to manage this issue more efficiently. Using a script, he managed to automate the rendering of diagrams containing Teams-related call flows. He found inspiration in Microsoft's own documentation available on

Not being a professional developer himself, he discovered the value of Markdown files which the majority of Microsoft's documentation is based on.

His journey led him to several tools such as DocFX, a static website generator for Markdown files, and Mermaid, a tool leveraging JavaScript to render diagrams and flow charts from code. Martin also spent considerable time learning to use Mermaid, which eventually allowed him to create diagrams faster and with less manual effort.

Using his newly acquired skills, Martin developed a solution that interconnected elements of Microsoft Teams, Markdown files, and the DocFX-generated website. His work also resulted in an automated update system for the website's contents.

Significance and Insights

Despite many challenges including immeasurable variations in voice apps in Teams, Martin managed to develop an updated, dynamic version of his script. His journey involved writing code, prototyping, experimenting, and iteratively improving his initial variants of the script.

The development of the M365 Call Flow Visualizer tool was an opportunity for him to put everything he learned about PowerShell to the test. Despite hitting several roadblocks, the experience helped him improve his coding skills.

Most importantly, Martin's journey serves as a testament that you don't need to be a professional developer to create a solution. Sometimes, determination, vision, and the understanding of how different technologies work together are enough.

He invites interested parties to check out his M365 Call Flow Visualizer on GitHub. For additional details, use this link to learn more about the Teams call flow diagrams.

Read the full article Automatically render Microsoft Teams Call Flow Diagrams

Teams - Generate Microsoft Teams Call Flow Diagrams Automatically

Learn about Automatically render Microsoft Teams Call Flow Diagrams

Working with Microsoft 365 Call Flow Visualizer is an intriguing experience that holds a lot of opportunities for tech-enthusiasts. The process entails the construction or configuration of call flows in Microsoft Teams which is almost a daily task. The Teams Admin Center avails an intuitive graphical user interface to set up auto attendants and call queues, an aspect that is quite straightforward.

You might construct your first call flow by creating an auto attendant, which is propagated as the first step since that's where the call first hits your system. These call-flow-related operations are often undertaken in a fast-paced environment, and as a result, you might need a highly efficient method of recalling specific call queues quickly. This scenario of urgency is where the Microsoft Call Flow Visualizer plays a role; it helps you to automatically diagram your call flows!

The essence of this tool is to help you navigate the questions that could arise in the course of managing many customers or working for an expansive organization. For example, it could help you answer how long it takes before a call is transferred, where it is transferred to, and which users are set up to answer calls, among other inquiries.

  • Microsoft Docs: This is an excellent product documentation site that gained prominence in 2016 when Microsoft affirmed that content with a fixed width is easier to read. The inspiration for using Microsoft Visualizer comes from here since it helps in creating cutting-edge product documentation.
  • DocFx: This is a static website generator for Markdown files maintained by the .NET team. DocFx helps in structuring and rendering information into a user-friendly and comprehensible website. It is an efficient way of navigating through diagrams.
  • Mermaid: This JavaScript tool allows the rendition of diagrams and flow charts from code. The perk of using Mermaid is that it enables hundred times faster diagram creation. Its syntax can be incorporated into Markdown files, and the diagrams get rendered automatically by the browser.

With these hands-on tools, you are good to go to start scripting! But remember, the process is not always as easy as it seems. You might realize that you will find challenges, especially when you aim to link a diversity of voice apps in Teams. There might not seem there is an off-the-shelf solution, but with the right tools and effort, all becomes manageable.

Conclusively, learning how to use the Microsoft 365 Call Flow Visualizer does not require you to be a professional developer. It calls for vision, determination, a clear understanding of how different technologies can work together, and an application of text-based learning tools like Microsoft Docs, DocFx, and Mermaid. As you venture into using Visualizer, understand that pushing boundaries and engaging in immersive practice is the single sure way to succeed.

More links on about Automatically render Microsoft Teams Call Flow Diagrams

Automatically render Microsoft Teams Call Flow Diagrams
Jan 4, 2022 — At work, I build or configure Microsoft Teams call flows almost daily. Even though the Teams Admin Center provides an easy-to-use graphical user ...
Uses PowerShell to read configurations of Microsoft Teams Auto Attendants, Call Queues and User Settings and renders them visually into a mermaid-js flowchart.


Microsoft Teams Call Flow Diagrams, Render Call Flow Diagrams, Automatic Diagram Rendering, Teams Diagram Automation, Microsoft Teams Automation, Diagram Flow Teams, Automatic Call Flow Render, Microsoft Teams Diagram Flow, Teams Call Flow Rendering, Microsoft Teams Flow Diagrams Automation