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Expert Insight: 2023 Power Apps Architecture Review
Power Apps
11. Dez 2023 18:30

Expert Insight: 2023 Power Apps Architecture Review

von HubSite 365 ĂĽber David Wyatt [MVP]

Senior Staff Engineer - Intelligent Automation Developer

Citizen DeveloperPower AppsLearning Selection

Maximize Power Apps Potential: Key Stages of Enterprise and Solution Architecture Reviews Explained!

Power Apps - Architecture Reviews Often the very advantage of low-code platforms can also be their downfall. While it's true that you can develop a complete application in less than a day using Power Apps, it's important to remember that just because you can, doesn't mean you should—hence the importance of Architecture Reviews.


Power Platform's Architecture Review

Power Apps bring considerable benefits through their LowCode environment, enabling rapid application development. However, this speed can lead to hasty, suboptimal solutions without proper governance - which is precisely why an Architecture Review is crucial.

Architecture reviews should be conducted after the initial project intake and before the security review. This process ensures that the project not only has merit but also that the proposed solution is secure and architecturally sound, guiding teams towards the best solution approach.

There are two essential Architecture stages specific to the Power Platform, which may involve separate roles: the Enterprise Architecture Review and the Solution Architecture Review.

  • Enterprise Architecture Review:

This stage examines the problem from an enterprise-wide perspective. It isn't confined to the Power Platform, instead considering the entire technology stack and design necessary for the problem at hand.

It is common for business teams to prematurely propose solutions based on familiar technology and team abilities, seeking to deliver value quickly. Such an approach can overlook the most suitable solution which might require different technology or expertise.

The Enterprise Architecture Review aims to provide an unbiased analysis and often presents multiple options, outlining the advantages, potential limitations, and the necessary considerations for each proposed solution.

  • Solution Architecture Review:

The focus here is on the specific technology stack recommended by the Enterprise Architecture Review. This phase is about fine-tuning the chosen approach to suit the specifics of the Power Apps platform, taking into account considerations like data storage, app type, and security.

The Solution Architecture Review digs into the details: which data should be stored and where, what type of app best suits the need, and how to secure access both on the platform and in real-life usage.

In this stage, questions around data model, retention policies, user authentication and network access policies become critical, ensuring that the solution aligns with the broader enterprise architecture.

  • Architecture Review Structure:

Ideally, these reviews should involve two different architects to capitalize on diverse expertise and maintain objectivity. This separation is even more crucial for large-scale solutions that integrate multiple systems, which necessitate both a holistic view and specialized insights.

Through this structured process, the Architecture Review not only complements security and design considerations but enriches them, offering a framework that elevates the solution's quality and alignment with business needs.

While the LowCode approach makes application development more accessible, it also increases the need for thorough architectural oversight to avoid redundancy and ensure sustainable, scalable applications.


Power Apps - Expert Insight: 2023 Power Apps Architecture Review


People also ask

Why not to use PowerApps?

Choosing not to use PowerApps can be influenced by various factors. These might include the cost of the platform, particularly for small businesses or individual users, which could be prohibitively expensive. Additionally, there are certain complexities and a steep learning curve that might deter users without a technical background. Limited functionality in comparison to more robust development platforms could also be a concern for some enterprise-grade applications. Moreover, organizations deeply embedded in non-Microsoft ecosystems may find it challenging to integrate PowerApps smoothly with their existing systems, leading to potential interoperability issues.

How good is Microsoft Power Apps?

Microsoft Power Apps is considered a robust solution for creating custom business applications. It's highly regarded for its user-friendly interface, which allows users with little to no coding experience to build feature-rich apps. Integration with other Microsoft 365 services and data sources offers a seamless experience, while its emphasis on low-code development accelerates the app creation process. Furthermore, the platform comes secure and compliant with various industry standards, which is critical for businesses handling sensitive data. However, the experience might differ based on the complexity of needs and the proficiency of users in utilizing the tool to its full potential.


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