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Canvas App: Streamlining Theme Management in Model-Driven Apps
Model-Driven App
4. Nov 2023 11:00

Canvas App: Streamlining Theme Management in Model-Driven Apps

von HubSite 365 über Thomas van der Waard (⚡️ PowerThomas)

Microsoft Power Platform Consultant 🦸 Helping organizations overcome IT challenges by applying a Low Code strategy 🚀

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An Efficient Solution for Theme Management in Model-driven Applications

Applying themes in model-oriented apps using Fluent 2 UI, according to a blog post penned by Thomas van der Waard (⚡️ PowerThomas), was a laborious and potentially error-prone exercise. Recognizing the necessity for a more efficient method, van der Waard created a Power Apps canvas tool to alleviate the burden of this process.

Previously, constructing an XML web resource that carries theme colors, incorporating it into the working solution, overwriting a setting with the web resource, and executing all personalizations were all part of the method. This technique was intricate and demanded a solid grasp of the system configurations.

A model-driven application was part of the solution that PowerThomas came up with to make this procedure easier. The canvas app aims to streamline operations with features like choosing an ideal unmanaged solution, shaping or modifying a theme, and effortlessly applying the theme. This is indeed a revolutionary step towards simplifying the process of theme application.

The Canvas App: What It Does and How It Works

The newly fabricated app comes with a user-friendly interface. It enables users to choose theme colors with the color picker, provides a live preview, and manages the XML web resource creation. It completes major procedures like adding it to the chosen solution, setting overrides, and publishing all personalizations automatically.

Thus, it eliminates potential errors and enhances ease of theme application in the model-oriented app with Fluent 2 UI. It significantly reduces the workload and brings about efficiency in the process.

Gain more insights into Model-Oriented Apps and theme management by visiting here. Learn more about van der Waard's solution for a more effective theme management process in model-driven apps.

This app enhances ease-of-use by facilitating theme color selection utilizing a color picker. It also gives a real-time preview, handles web resource creation in XML format, includes an addition to the selected unmanaged solution, setting override, and automatically publishes all customizations.

The application is available on the GitHub repository, which aims to ease theme management in your applications, with Fluent 2 UI framework. For those wishing to learn more about the process, there are a plethora of training courses available online on the subject of Canvas App creation, Model-Driven App development, and their associated thematics.

Download this on GitHub

Read the full article Simplifying Theme Management in Model-driven Apps with a Canvas App

Model-Driven App - Canvas App: Streamlining Theme Management in Model-Driven Apps


Model-driven Apps, Theme Management, Simplifying Themes, Canvas App, App Development, Digital Transformation, Low-code development, Business Apps, Design Themes, Customization of Model-driven Apps